just hanging in my christmas PJ's and my daddy's hat |
sissies |

Hey yall! Happy Monday! I've been taking some time off from link-ups lately because things have been quite busy around here. But I'm super excited about this one today with these fabulous ladies. For today's link-up we are talking about frugal tips for the holidays. I try really hard every year to be smart when it comes to holiday shopping. Key word here: try. I'm sure my hubby would vouch that I am not always successful at this, but I'm a work in progress ok? This year, I'm really trying to be smart, though. I absolutely love giving gifts. I love the process of carefully selecting something that a loved one will adore, wrapping it so neatly and then watching them unwrap it. It makes my heart sing. But thoughtful, meaningful gifts don't have to cost a lot of money. I've learned that over the years and this year here are three ways I'm going to be frugal!
1. Ebates. Ok this is the best thing ever. A friend told me about it and I had yet to give it a whirl until last week. You sign up with Ebates and when you shop online (basically ANYWHERE you can think of: Amazon, Sephora, JCrew, Target, Walmart, Gap, Piperlime, Belk, I mean the list is in the thousands), you go through Ebates to get to the site. You shop as normal, check out and boom. You get CASH BACK! It's amazing. You literally get a percent cash back for every purchase you make. They can mail you a check or transfer it through your PayPal account. To sign up go here. It's amazing yall, and there's really no reason not to!
2. Planning. I know this is a no brainer, but Matt and I really try to plan out our Christmas shopping so we don't end up buying everything in the same month/week. That helps with budget as well. If you haven't started planning yet, start today. Make a list of all the people you will be buying for. Then write some ideas down next to each name (and even a budget amount if you want!). It helps, trust me.
3. Remember that your loved ones love you more than the gift. Ultimately Christmas is about Jesus, being with family and spending time with one another. Don't let the hustle and bustle of the holidays drive you to forget that. While your loved one may absolutely adore that gift you got them, I can bet you they love having you with them even more. And if you can't physically "be" with all those you love most this year, schedule a special Skype session or face time with them. That's what matters. Not the present under the tree.
Have any frugal tips you want to share? Link-up below! And don't forget to check out all the other amazing posts. **I'll be sharing my Holiday Gift Guides for everyone in the family starting next week so make sure to come back!
Great tips Denise- I'm really trying to be smart with our shopping this week... It's easy to get swept away in it :)
Great tips! I love Ebates :) We've used it when booking trips and for buying new computers. I love getting money back for purchases I have to make anyway!
Have a great week!
Katie @ Sweet Little Ones
Great tips! I love Ebates! Free money!
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