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Goal 3 // To constantly make my marriage a priority and focus on more "Matt and Denise" quality time
So it's no secret here that babies make life a bit more chaotic. I constantly ask myself what I used to do with all of my free time before Georgia. I still don't have an answer to that, but I'm thankful for the chaos. I love every minute of being a mom. And the fact that I get to be her mom? Words can't describe the gratitude I feel. But with being a mom (and a dad for Matt) comes the simple fact that we have less time for just each other. We are always together and doing things with and for Georgia, and I can't fully express how close that has made us. Watching my husband grow and learn as a father is truly amazing. I am in awe of him every single day. I always knew he'd be a good dad, but I never knew he'd be this good. I mean really. G hit that jackpot :) But ok I digress... all of this mommy/daddy time leaves less time for Matt and Denise time. Less time for long sit-down dinners and late night chats. I'm not saying these don't ever happen anymore, because they do. They just aren't as frequent. And I don't think either of us would have it any of way honestly, but this year, with G turning 6 months next week (AH!), I want to be intentional about time alone with my husband. Time away. Last weekend we had a date night. We got dressed up, went to a yummy, quiet restaurant, drank wine and had a 4 course meal. I had to consistently remind myself not to turn the conversation to Georgia the whollllllle time (it's hard y'all, she's just so cute!), but it was nice. So nice. And I want more date nights. Even if they are at home. On NYE this year we put G down together and ate a later dinner which was wonderful. Usually we are eating with her beside us, which is also nice, but I am vowing to eat later a few nights a week. That takes a little more prep for me when sweet hubby comes home ready to eat our pantry so I have an appetizer out for him to munch on while we play with G, bathe her and then do her bedtime routine. When she's asleep, we are able to sit down together and not rush. And I love that feeling. We are also taking a trip sans little G for our 4 year wedding anniversary in the fall! So yea. That's one of my goals this year. More date nights / date days / date hours. I just want to always date my husband and want him to always know he is the best. The best.
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Goal 4 // To do more nourishing and recharging and less surviving.
I need to take better care of myself. Plain and simple. I did a great job of that while I was pregnant. I ate well, I exercised when needed and I rested. I spent Sunday nights in a bubble bath and went to bed early. Since my blue-eyed babe has arrived I have done a horrible job of all of that. Some of that is to be expected, I mean come on. As a new mom, especially one that has struggled with breast feeding, my body has been put through the ringer ya know? And sleep? Well, that is somewhat of a foreign concept for us (we are hoping it makes it way back into our house in the next few weeks though). But I am also left in awe by my body. I mean, I grew a life. A life y'all. The most precious life I have ever met. It makes me sad when I hear women stressing about getting their "post-baby body back" (and I have totally been guilty of this), but really my post-baby body does not exist anymore. My body is different. I'm not talking about my wider hips, I'm talking about the soul that I nourished and grew inside of me. How can I compare my body now to what it was then? I think that is why I haven't started exercising again yet. I think I had put a weird kind of pressure on myself to look the same as I did before Georgia. And it's like I was afraid that it would never be possible so, why strive for it? And then I realized I had it all wrong. My body isn't supposed to be the same. Sure, I would still like some abs in my near future, and I think I'm finally ready to start working for those. But it's more about nourishing and taking care of myself than anything else - and that involves eating good foods, exercising and resting. So I will be taking some more "me" time in 2014. Not neccessarily meaning alone time. Just making myself a priority as well. Eating better. Finding time to do my yoga DVD. And resting when I need to rest.
So those are two more of my goals for 2014. Any of yall share either of these? Tips? Suggestions?
Happy Thursday!
PS - my baby had FOOD yesterday! for the first time ever! real food. it felt like christmas, i was so excited. now here's to hoping her belly is more full and she decides sleep is a good thing :)
PPS - next week = a lot of georgia posts! hope that's ok :)
Denise, I am so with you on these 2 goals! After having a baby, it seems like there hasn't been any time for my hubby and I. It's hard, but it also makes things more fun. Now, we think of creative ways to squeeze in a few more hugs and kisses throughout the week. And, we started dating again :) I'll surprise him at work or leave sweet notes in his gym bag or work binder. We are constantly reminded that we have to work at our relationship and now with Marli getting bigger and being more aware of what's going on, it makes it THAT much more important - to show her what a loving relationship is all about. As for your other goal, I totally agree. I am working towards a healthier, more fit body but also making sure to have fun along the way! I indulge in moderation but it's all about a good balance. Great post lady! (Sorry this was kinda long...)
Oh my goodness beautiful goals. I'm not married yet but I love the example your number 3 goal sets for those of us aspiring for marriage and family one day. And taking care of yourself, I love the way you see your body now. Different but beautifully different.
i totally agree with the taking care of yourself thing. not that i have my own child/baby to take care of, but i can relate while taking care of my brothers. At the beginning of this whole sister-mom thing i was rarely putting on anything other than yoga pants, i went weeks without putting on makeup, showering was maybe every 2 days and i was eating what the boys ate instead of what was good for me. After the first 2 months i realized how much just showering in the morning (even if i put on yoga pants after) made me 1) feel better about myself and 2) it somehow helped my energy to feel clean and a little put to gather and i was able to accomplish more in the day.
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