I need to read this quote every day.
There is so much truth in it and my over-committing self needs to take a deep breath. I sometimes find myself completely stretched too thin and now is one of those times. I hate saying “no.” Just hate it! “No” sounds so harsh to me. But I’ve learned, “no” can be freeing and a positive thing. I over commit to obligations or events – and not even obligations – that sounds so negative. I over-commit to fun, enjoyable things – things I want to do and help with. But then I’m left scrambling trying to balance them with my other life stuff. And what good does that do anyone?
So today is a day of declutter for me. I am saying no when I can’t find the time and I am re-focusing myself on my Jesus, my family and myself. Yes. Myself. I need me time. Time at the gym, time to clear my head before making dinner, and time to spend in silence. Because I can’t give those first two items my best self if I am not my best self. And Jesus and my family both deserve my best. Not my perfect self. Because we all know both would be waiting forever on that one. But my best self. Not a hurried quiet time just to check it off the list, and not quick bite to eat with my hubby so I can hurry and finish a project. I’m saying no to both of those and I’m saying yes to what really matters. Because I know I can do anything, and for that I am grateful. But knowing I can’t do everything, makes it all more possible.
Is there anything you can declutter from your life?

You know when you just really need to hear something, but you don't even know it? Yep.
Thanks for this (wonderful) message today, beautiful girl! <3
Thanks for putting into words exactly what I have been thinking lately! I needed to read this today!
such an important thing to remember, i am awful at overcommiting myself. something i definitely need to work on! and, this is such a pretty pic of you!
Love this Denise! No is the worst. It makes me feel so guilty. But it's true- we cannot do everything. I would much rather do fewer things and do them right, then try to do everything subpar.
I didn't realize how much I relished my "me" time that I get before bed until Phil and the dogs came to bed with me last night (usually my husband stays downstairs working with the dogs). The puppy was on the bed, wrestling around with his stuffed animal and I was just so tense. I eventually kicked him off the bed because I couldn't RELAX! It took me so much longer to fall asleep.
I'm with you on this one. It's important to take care of yourself.
I've been teaching myself lately that "no" can be freeing, I never say it, but it seems like such a relief when I can allow myself to have some free time!
I loved this post! It is sometimes hard for me being engaged while still in college. A lot of my friends don't understand when I say 'no' to going out or doing certain things to hang out with my fiancé or family. But I have to keep in mind the things that matter and say 'no' to things that don't!
I love this post! So inspirational and true. I need to stop spreading myself too thin too. I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog. So fresh and well designed. I will definitely be following you on bloglovin. xx. McKenna Lou
p.s. We are so excited about our latest giveaway, be sure to check it out. Link: http://www.lynnandlou.com/2013/03/garnish-ed-kettle-corn-garnish-giveaway.html?m=1#comments
Love this Denise, and oh so true! I need to de-clutter my non-stop thinking mind :) I suppose find that quiet time too. I think I will try for another social media free weekend for a start. XO Have a great weekend and enjoy your quiet time!
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