
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

what i'm reading these days

this picture was taken in 2012 on our trip to antigua.  i pretend i'm reading on this porch from time to time ;)

I've been reading through some really good books lately in my (lack-of) spare time ;) and I wanted to share.  All are super easy reads so I pick up one of them before bed usually and log 10 or so minutes and that's all it takes.  If you are interested in any of them email me and if you are first, I'll mail you my copy since I'm finished.  Otherwise the links are below too!

1.  Mom Enough - This was recommended by a friend and it is a series of blog posts.  Super easy read.  Super encouraging.  And yes, super convicting at times.  Most recently, these words by Tim Keller spoke to me in chapter 23, "Jesus must become more beautiful to your imagination, more attractive your heart, than your idol.  That is what will replace your counterfeit gods.  If you uproot the idol and fail to 'plant' the love of Christ in it's place, the idol will grow back."  I love this.  Jesus has slowly been revealing some idols in my life and they come in the form of approval of other moms, a "well-behaved" toddler and kids that are never sick.  I'm learning to turn away from those and fill those holes with Jesus.  Link to buy book here.

2.  Moms on Call Series -  I bought all 3 books after a friend recommended these as well.  While I don't agree with everything in the book as far as methods go (especially in the early ages), it is a great read and I love that the authors are believers.  As a mama, I think there is a fine line between information overload and gathering different resources.  In my opinion, this is a good resource though.  I am LOVING the toddler book right now and think they make some excellent points on discipline and my parenting mindset.  Link to buy books here.

3.  French Kids Eat Everything - I read this one last summer as Georgia was starting to really get into all kinds of solid foods.  I love the author's experiences (make you laugh and cry kinda thing) and I love her practical advice.  I've always wanted to raise a kid that tried all kinds of foods and enjoyed vegetables as much as she enjoyed ice cream (well, almost as much!).  Since the beginning Matt and I have both tried to make Georgia a version of what we eat instead of making her own meal of "kid food," (I mean, ain't nobody got time for that anyway!).  I never make her eat anything she doesn't want to eat, but I always encourage her to at least try it.  And if she doesn't like roasted asparagus with salt and pepper than maybe next time I'll try a different method or seasoning (I've found I can usually get her to eat anything cooked in soy sauce!  ha!).  We are not enforcers of the clean plate club at our house either.  I want her to decide when she is full and when she is still hungry.  One thing very early on I decided was that the dinner table was not going to be my battle field either.  I want it to be a place we all look forward to coming to.  I have the BEST memories as a kid of spaghetti dinners around the table with my family and I crave those memories for my children too.  Sounds rosy and peachy right?  Needless to say, this is something we are working towards and sometimes mealtime goes great and others it's a disaster!  But like everything in toddler life, we are working on it.  And this book is GREAT!  Link to buy book here.

4.  Write the Word - This isn't really a book per say, but it leads me to the best book in the world - the Bible!  It's simple and gives you freedom in your quiet time - two things that are essential right now for this tired, scatter-brained mama.  I usually do it while I pump early in the morning before the kiddos are awake.  The journaling part usually looks like a written out prayer, bullet points or a verse written over and over that really spoke to me.  Link to buy book here.

Next on my reading list:
Out of the Spin Cycle
Walking with God in the Season of Motherhood
Boys should be Boys
Make it Happen

What are you reading?  Any books I should add to my list?



  1. A just pinned a bunch of these to read----when I have time (ahahaha). I thought we had the sleep thing all figured out, but guess not. Hope you are doing great, mama!

  2. oh girly, i am super impressed with your reading!!! i am reading and watching practically nothing these days, but pretty sure i need to read all these, haha!! inspiring mom literature, bring it on! xoxoxo

  3. Sounds like some great reads... I am currently reading Out of the Spin Cycle and it's great, very encouraging and thought provoking. Also, I am dying to read For the Love, the new Jen Hatmaker book. I have heard so many people say wonderful things about it. I enjoy reading your blog... I am frI ends with leslie, btw. :) and I also have a two year old and a new baby, so it's great to read along with how things are going with you!

  4. Sounds like some great reads... I am currently reading Out of the Spin Cycle and it's great, very encouraging and thought provoking. Also, I am dying to read For the Love, the new Jen Hatmaker book. I have heard so many people say wonderful things about it. I enjoy reading your blog... I am frI ends with leslie, btw. :) and I also have a two year old and a new baby, so it's great to read along with how things are going with you!


thank you for stopping by dear sweetness! i love hearing what you have to say! xox