
Monday, June 30, 2014

new blog friend :)

Happy July!  I kind of feel like this summer is passing me by in the blink of an eye!  July is always a wake-up call for me.  Reminds me to soak up this sunshine and warm weather a little more.  With that, I will leave you with an introduction // Q&A with a new blog friend whom I just love!  Meet Keri from Living In This Season
(How beautiful is her family?!?!?!)  Get to know her and here and go give her some love!

Tell about your blog in a few sentences.
Living In This Season is filled with honest moments of my life as a mom of young children, diy projects, recipes, and activities for the kids. I choose the name for the blog because this is my goal for my life- to be living in my current season… not in the season ahead or the seasons of the past… but enjoying the here and now. As a mom this can be hard, because there are some crazy days that let’s be honest, we don’t enjoy, but to just step back and remember we only have these moments now.

Why did you get into blogging?
I have loved following blogs and was always getting ideas and inspiration from them. I started blogging when we first moved to South Carolina as a way to keep family back home up to date on our life. However, I soon became bored just posting on our daily life… so I changed it up. I want it to be a place of encouragement, honesty (seriously no one is perfect and I want others to remember that we all have our moments), and inspiration.

What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
I get really excited about a good restaurant… my son wrote on his mother’s day paper that the word I say the most is “delicious”… so true! I love a good meal or dessert!

Favorite movie, song, or TV show?
One of my favorite movies is Life as a House. It is tragically sad, but just so real and honest about life which I love. I have many fav TV shows- seriously tv in the evening is a great relaxer for me. My husband I are currently watching all the old Everybody Loves Raymond every night, hahaha it makes us feel oh so old! But one of my favs is Parenthood… I can really relate to a lot of the show and the ins and outs of parenting!

Any funny stories to share that has happened recently?
Well let’s just say life with 3 kids under the age of 5 has been a bit insane! It seems as if every moment we try to go anywhere pure insanity outbreaks! Recently, we tried to all go out as family and on the way out the door our oldest is as usual the first ready and at the door. Meanwhile the 2 year old is screaming because he wants his shoes on, he doesn’t want his hair fixed, the list goes on. The baby is screaming because she is in the car seat and she seems to hate that thing. I am trying to throw things in the diaper bag and my husband is grabbing random things as well. We are both near the table grabbing stuff, there are Thomas the Train toys everywhere (at this point the thought of making the kids clean up was overwhelming). I grab my coffee and the lid was not on and spills everywhere… all over Thomas toys, all over my husband’s leg, and all over me. I look at him and there really are no words, you have to just laugh. Later that evening, we all were on the couch watching Curious George before the kids went to bed and he said, you know our life is like a crazy tv show where it is pure craziness and you want to scream and rip your hair out but at the end of the day you look around and see how amazingly blessed we are… so true. *And note to self, make sure that coffee lid is on tight!

Tell us something we don't know about you.
I am actually insanely shy! Blogging is perfect for me because it is all online.. but sharing about my blog or telling friends in real life, I was so nervous! I am working on being more confident. But I am definitely an introvert (seriously people in high school didn’t think I talked!).

What's your favorite beauty secret or product?
I am currently pretty obsessed with EOS chapstick, they are amazing!!!

What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
Thanks to an amazing friend and her encouragement, I am hoping to open an ETSY shop soon… details to come.

What's the coolest thing you've made? (food, craft, anything)
Hmmm… I am pretty obsessed with Pinterest. I think my HOME letters for my mantle were pretty exciting and I am so happy with how they turned out. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

our morning routine

I have had a few people inquire about my morning routine with G, so I thought I'd post it on here in case anyone else was curious.  We are actually in a pretty good routine these days and I am finally starting to feel (somewhat) rested!  Wahoo!  Although as we near Georgia's 1st Birthday - any suggestions from other mamas about that dreaded transition from 2 naps a day to 1 is MUCH appreciated!  

pictures from a recent trip to Atlantic Beach with friends
our morning routine

5:30-6:30 - G wakes up anytime within this window.  I try and wait to go in her room until 6 at the earliest though.  She takes a 6 ounce bottle and then we play for a little while upstairs so we don't wake up dada too early.  We usually head downstairs around 7 am where dada joins us.  G has breakfast (some pureed fruit and veggies with her vitamin) and has some dada QT.  This is usually when I brush my teeth, wash my face, get out of PJ's.  Then we play some more and wave bye bye to Matt as he leaves for work.  Then G takes a 4 ounce bottle and usually goes down for her 1st nap around 8 and sleeps until 10ish.  This is when I try and answer emails, blog, straighten up the house or start some laundry.  (**side note: if I am sleepy at all then all productivity is thrown out the window and I lay down and sleep when G does**).  When she wakes up she takes a bottle and we get her ready for the day.  This is when we usually sneak away for a few hours.  Sometimes we'll go to the pool, meet friends for lunch or take care of any grocery/Target runs.  I pack her lunch and some snacks on the go. We are usually home by 1 or 1:30 so G can take her afternoon nap.  And there ya have it!  Our morning routine.  Quite simple and uneventful.  I thought I would be the type of mom to stick to a strict schedule and while sometimes I wish I was more strict about it, I have found that what works for me is to watch my baby.  G is different every day so I have to model her schedule after how she is feeling (teething throws a wrench in to just about everything!) and how she slept the night before.  I have also found that it works for G to be up for 2 hours before her 1st nap and then up 3 hours before her 2nd nap.  What about you other mamas?  Any tricks or schedules that you have loved?

And THIS ARTICLE yall.  I found it via Sarah yesterday and I love it.  I think it goes hand in hand with my post yesterday about finding a swimsuit you love and rocking it!  Because life is too short to sit on the sidelines.  Jump in mamas.

And!  And!  I have been nominated as a Top Southern Blog by the SBS and would LOVE for you to take 10 seconds and vote for me!!  Just click HERE, scroll down and tap the heart over my picture.  I am number 12!!  xox

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

rash guards and one pieces

I was recently on the phone with my college roommate(all 4 years what what) and we were discussing this year's trends - and one hot topic was the rash guard trend.  Said college roommate is currently preggy (YAYYYY for babies!) and we were discussing how much we LOVED this trend.  I mean, long gone are the days when a women has to show all but her ninies to feel sexy on the beach, and I am personally so on board.  After having a baby, not only is my body not the same, but my beach going is not either.  I no longer set up shop in my cozy beach chair, close my eyes and wake up 2 hours later. No no no.  I pull sand out of mouths and wash cute baby hands and crawl clear across the beach.  I usually end up with just as much sand in my bathing suit as my baby lady - and well, I wouldn't have it any other way.  I absolutely love watching Gigi grow and explore and come to love the ocean like her mama.  But that leads me back to those super cute rash guards.  I have yet to invest in one because I just can't make up my mind!  I love so many.  But I am thinking that I will be needing one before July 4 celebrations commence so here are a few of my favorites.  And while we are on the topic of adorable bathing suits with some more coverage - I love a good one piece.  I invested in 2 black ones last summer, and once again, they are sexy people!  One pieces are classy and sexy all in one in my opinion and I'm thinking I may need to add one with a bit of color to my swim wardrobe (although I am obsessed with the black and white one below!).  So here are my favorites in the rash guard and one piece departments.  Any of yall loving these trends too?!?

Monday, June 23, 2014

a summer party

A few weeks ago we hosted a summer party for Matt's pharmacy.  It was the first big party we've had at our new home, other than our cookout when I was preggy.  And it was a blast!  but before everyone showed up I snapped a few pictures of the little lady.  So I thought I would share, because how cute is she?!!?  And that dress!  We got that from a friend with a 2 year old daughter! 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Georgia's 1st Birthday Inspiration

Can't believe I'm even thinking about my little peanut's 1st birthday.  Time slow down!  At first I was all, "I'm not going to do a party, that's silly, she's only 1...."  But then... I got on Pinterest and began browsing and my tune quickly changed to "Oh my how fun is this?!?"  So birthday party it is!  I've been working with Heather from PaperPlease on her invitations and have just ordered her yummy cupcakes.  I will probably make her cake.  We are going for a peach theme.  Get it, Georgia peach?!?!  I know, I know.  She is not from Georgia nor did we name her after the state, but hey I thought it was cute.  So peachy theme here we come.  I'm thinking peach centerpieces and lots of southern sweets (pecan brittle, pecan pie...).  You can see my whole Pinterest Board here!

Anyone have any ideas for a yummy sugar-free cake to make for a bambina?

Monday, June 16, 2014

funny video for your monday

Oh hey there!  I still blog I promise.  But last week was a bittttttttttt crazy!  We had 40 people at our house Friday night for Matt's work's summer party and well, my mama and I were busy busy bees all last week.  You see, I need deadlines in my life.  They help me make stuff happen.  And I had given myself the deadline of that party to get a few things around the house finished - one being my dining room!  And so, with my mama, we made our house more of a home.  And then Saturday and Sunday were spent celebrating my hubby who is also my baby daddy - because he's great!  So great!  As is my sweet daddy!  Kisses to them both!  So that's where I was!  And now I'm going to go spend some time with sweet friends that I don't see often, but I promise there will be more posts later this week (possibly even a peek at my new dining room)!  Until then I will leave with you this hilarious video.  A friend of mine sent it to me and I couldn't help but laugh the whole time - partly because I had thought and maybe even said some of these things pre-Georgia.  But oh how things change.  I am the biggest advocate for mamas supporting mamas and this video is a funny way of saying that to all the mamas in the world - YOU ARE AWESOME.  YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB.  YOU ARE ENOUGH FOR YOUR KIDS.  YOU ARE A GREAT MOM.  In a world where everyone posts their best self - it can be hard not to compare yourself and the pressures of being "the perfect" mom can seem overwhelming.  But remember that what everyone posts is their highlight real - not their messy moments.  And in those messy moments are often the best cuddles, the best laughs and the best memories.  So here ya go - for the mamas, soon-to-be mamas and friends of mamas - this should make ya laugh :)

Oh and I made THESE this weekend and they were sooooooo yummy!  You should try them!

Monday, June 9, 2014


Gratefully Inpsired

photo VIA

Matt and I are kiiiiiinda obsessed with Emeril's Margarita Popsicles.  They are the perfect way to cool off on a hot summer night. 

We have been somewhat of Popsicle making machines these days.  I'll blend up any mixture of fruit and dump it into the mold and viola!  Tasty treat coming right up!  Do y'all have any Popsicles you love making?

Rules for the Party:
* Please follow your hosts in some way- We would love to connect with you on social media!
* Please no giveaways, link parties, or shops.
* Visit the other links and leave some comment love!
* By linking up to this link party, you give us permission to feature your image on our blog and social media. Proper credit and link will be given.
* Don't forget to link back and grab a button!


Friday, June 6, 2014

Georgia Grace is 10 months old!

I can't be my sweet baby girl is 10 months old (one week ago today!).  She is slowing changing from baby to toddler right before my eyes....  Oh little one, we love you so!

Weight: G is weighing  somewhere between 20 and 21 pounds! 

Health: She’s a healthy lady praise the Lord.

Sleep: Oh my goodness y'all.  We finally sleep.  Everyone in the house.  I cried it out one night while Matt was out of town and since then she’s been sleeping from 7:30-6 or 6:30.  So I really can’t complain!  Now we are trying to move her bedtime back to around 8 or 8:30 so she’ll sleep later in the morning and so Matt has some more time with her when he gets home from work.  Anyone else have a later bedtime for their baby?  Suggestions?

Social: Oh my y'all she is hilarious.  We have had a few play dates and swim lessons have finally begun!  She loves being around other babies and people in general but she is also pretty content playing by herself if I’m straightening up or making dinner. 

Diet: She’s still doing great on formula and 3 meals a day.  We also do an afternoon snack!  She loves ground chicken!  And she loves kiwi and strawberry but that’s a little harder for her to pick up.   

Clothes: Still in 9-12 months!

Baby Gear Love: She has a walker that she has started using and really likes that (but mama is thinking SLOW DOWN little child!).  My mom also gave her a ton of beach toys that we have yet to take to the beach because she loves playing with them at home!  I finally got a smaller stroller to carry around town which is nice too.

Crying: She’s a pretty happy baby unless she’s tired, bored or hungry!

Likes: She still LOVES her sissy.  She really loves her sippy cup.  She adores swimming yay!  Peek-a-boo is still a huge favorite around here also. 

Dislikes: She hates the vacuum.  It scares her to death.  Can’t even bring it out when she’s around.  Other than that, we’re doing good.

Postpartum:  Feeling good, now I need to start exercising!

Milestones: She is still crawling 100 miles a minute.  She is pulling up on anything and everything and can take steps sideways while holding on.  She’s starting letting go of things while standing but then plops right down.  She says “dada” and “mama” (although mama sounds more like “mamamamamamma).  And sleep!  She is sleeping great!