
Monday, May 13, 2013

29 week letter to Georgia

pretty soon that camera will replaced with baby georgia!

Dear Georgia,

Sweet sweet girl you are almost here.  You are 29 weeks old today which blows my mind.  And so many of my friends are busy making friends for you!  How exciting!  Your friends Ruby and Laney were born in the past 2 months, your cousin Griffin was born in February, and your friend Lawson will be born in 2 weeks!  Not to mention that you have 2 more friends coming in October and one more in January!  Your mommy and daddy have been so blessed with great friends and it’s so exciting to think you will be friends with their little ones.  Because honestly, friends are a huge part of your life.  Choose wisely.  Choose carefully.  Be picky and love them unconditionally. 

Your nursery is really coming along too!  And I finished your bathroom yesterday!  It’s pink and green, with a Lilly Pullitzer shower curtain.  I can’t wait to suds up your hair and give you tickles and mohawks in the bath in there.  Ah – excitement overload.  Your nanny has worked hard on it all too.  Me and Nanny try to do breakfast or something to spend a little bit of time together every Saturday morning that we can.  It makes me all the more excited to think about adding you to our girl-time. We eat and laugh and shop.  You’re gonna love it.  LOVE YOU!

Kisses from mommy.

you big sis likes to have her hand (err... paw) on you at all times


  1. Sweet letter! Almost there, momma!

  2. So sweet! Can't wait for you to meet your sweet girl!

  3. I want to see YOUR nursery!!!!! (:


thank you for stopping by dear sweetness! i love hearing what you have to say! xox