
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

for the love of Sevilla

for the love of Sevilla

Sevilla Dodson Lopatka.  Born October 1, 2007 in Newton Grove, North Carolina.  She came home with her mom on November 23, 2007 and has since lived happily ever after. 
As my friends and family know, my husband and I are completely in love with our yorkiepoo pup.  She has stolen a part of our hearts that we will never get back.  The way she leaps from her favorite chair as soon as we walk in the door, how she can never quite give us enough kisses, and how we can be so mad at her and even spank her (not hard don’t worry) and in .5 seconds she is in our arms and happy again.  Her ability to forgive and forget is like no one else I know and her loyalty is unwavering.  She may look small and meek, but trust me; she’s got a fighting side covered in loyalty.  If anyone ever tried to mess with our family, you better believe her “fangs” and attack-mode-stance would be on display for the world to see.
Now some of you reading this are probably going, “Is she crazy?  Does she know she’s talking about a dog?”  And the answer to both of those questions is probably yes.  But that’s just it – sometimes my DOG is a better example of unconditional love than I am.  I believe my pup, and probably yours, has a lot to teach us.  No matter what it is we’re doing – from going on long walks to watching the news – Sevilla is in utter bliss.  Why?  Well because she’s grateful to be with me.  Maybe God put these four-legged furry friends on this planet to show us how to truly love, how to truly forgive and how to truly enjoy every minute of life. 
So here I go.  I hope to live my life a little more like my dog each day.  Yep, I just said that.  I hope to love unconditionally, keep no record of wrongs, forgive without question and run through life as if I have unending energy…
I don’t claim to be the first person to have such an epiphany, so to close up, here are some rather wise quotes that agree with my stance on life with dogs.

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face. ~Ben Williams

We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment. ~George Eliot

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

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thank you for stopping by dear sweetness! i love hearing what you have to say! xox