
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Family Photos with Kaylla Spencer Photography

A few weeks ago, our little family had the privileged of taking some photos with Kaylla Spencer of Kaylla Spencer Photography.  I wanted lots of natural light and I wanted to capture Georgia and my bump together.  After the shoot I was a bit worried because my little lady was ca-razzzzzzzzzzy the whole time!  Somehow, Kaylla managed to capture her perfectly though.  We couldn't love these photos any more.  Will post the rest tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

such a tomboy.  always a ball in her hand

gigi and daddy's herb and vegetable garden has taken off!  we even used the spinach for a smoothie the other day

My mother's day was perfect this year.  My sweet hubby planned a slew of my favorite events that all needed bright and sunny weather (strawberry picking, picnic in the park, beach) but then we got hit by a tropical storm.  So none of those outdoorsy things happened, but you know what did happen?  Snuggles, kisses, family time, laughs and a pedicure with my mama.  I'd say that's a win!  And we snuck outside for a few pictures after brunch.

hope all you mamas and mamas to be out there felt loved, appreciated and special.  and to all you women who want so badly to be a mama but aren't, or to those who miss their children in heaven, or to anyone who misses their own mama or doesn't have a relationship with their own mama.  i woke up with you on my heart and i prayed for you.  and i continue to pray for you.  god is good even in hard times and whatever your story, know He has never left your side.  He holds you in the darkest and the brightest of times.  still praying for you.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bump Update wearing the most comfy dress EVER!

dress c/o swimoutlet  *  sandals are old navy last season  *  georgia's outfit snagged via zulilly

I haven't done a pregnancy update at all this time and I thought it would be fun to do one this week!  I am 32 weeks and baby boy is low and wiggly :).  I find myself wearing workout clothes and pajamas mostly because that is all that fits and I am over maternity clothes.  Luckily I found the adorable dress above on Swim Outlet recently so my husband can stop asking me if I need clothes (because I wear the same thing every day!).  I love that this dress grows with my bump but is not maternity so I can comfortably wear it all summer long.  They have the cutest dresses y'all!  And suits of course.  Check em out!  But OK - back to baby boy bump update:

How far along:  32 weeks!

Size of baby: about the size of a squash!

Maternity Clothes: I'm kinda tired of them as mentioned above, so it's comfy dresses and stretch pajamas most days.

Stretch Marks and Sleep:  None of the former yet thankfully.  This pregnancy I used my BioOil for a few weeks until it ran out and now I've been using Beauty Counter Body Oil.  I love it and it smells DIVINE.  I have Rosemary + Citrus blend.  So good.  Sometimes I'll layer Burt's Bees Tummy Butter before bed if my belly has been itchy that day.

Best Moment Lately:  We recently took Gigi to the doctor with us to hear her brother's heartbeat and that was so sweet.  I also love when she lays on my belly and he kicks or wiggles around and it startles her.  She sweetly says, "Matthew moving!"

Movement:  Tons!  He's a wiggle worm just like his sister and nighttime seems to be his prime time.

Cravings:  Ice cream and cereal that's really bad for you.

Gender: Baby boy :)

Wedding Ring on or off: On!

Any sickness/nausea:  Luckily that has ended for the most part for me!  The first half of this pregnancy was rough compared my pregnancy with G. Lots of puking :)  Thankful that seems to be behind me.

Belly Button In or Out:  In!

What I miss:  Red wine mostly.  And stinky cheeses.  Lots of red wine and stinky cheeses are in my August future.

What I am looking forward to:  So much!  Holding my precious baby boy.  Being a mama to a baby boy!  Watching our family grow.  Seeing Georgia turn into a big sister.  Lots of cuddles and kisses.

Labor Signs:  None!  Let's keep it that way mister :)  Although I have a hunch I may be early this time.  but who knows!  I'll probably be 10 days late since I said that...

Nursery:  Not.  Even.  Started.  And I kinda feel bad about that.  He's already feeling the brunt of the 2nd child syndrome.  Poor thing.  But it'll get finished.  And that sweet boy is sleeping in my room for a few months at first anyway :)

Emotions:  Happy!  Nervous.  Excited.  Overwhelmed at time.  Blessed and thankful.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Kiawah Island 2015

because apparently that is how we go down slides now...

i love how they love each other

Every year I get to tag along on a work trip for the hubby in BEAUTIFUL Kiawah Island, SC.  When I go there it's like the world just kinda fades away.  And this year, I had a tiny little princess tagging along too!  And a baby prince kicking in my belly.  Perfection.  **Side note, last year I attempted this trip with said tiny princess only to arrive and have her throw up all night the first night we were there.  So we left immediately.  Needless to say, this year was MUCH better :)  My in-laws came this year too so hubby and I were able to sneak away for a lunch and a dinner together.  And G loved all the attention (per usual).  So yay!  Successful Kiawah trip number 2 in the books.  Next year I get to take BOTH my babies...