
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

snapshots of late


egg hunt at school and cuddling with mama around the house (pictures 2-3 were taken by my sweet friend Bridget!)

after our family took a hit early last week with the tummy bug and strep, it was so nice to get out and about later in the week and this past weekend.  we are moving georgia into another bedroom soon so our projects as of late have been organizing her clothes and putting them in her big girl dresser :)  thankful to be healthy!

Friday, March 27, 2015

gigi's easter basket

i caved and gave some of these things to her a little early (like the garden tools!)  but most of these goodies will be found on easter morning in her basket!

sun-san saltwater sandals (I got a pair in white and gold!)
Lilly dress (I found one on MAJOR sale at my local Lilly Store - like I only paid $12 bucks for it - so you mama's check out those sales!)
rash guard set (again, i got mine on sale but this one is sooooo cute)

Friday, March 20, 2015

toddler style + some great reads

shirt  /  leggings (sold out but similar here)  /  moccasins 

- with all the rage being Essential Oils these days I can't help but get on the bandwagon.  But honestly, it's all a little overwhelming.  My friend Brittany wrote a great post about using oils in practical ways.

- my college roommate sent this to me a week or so ago and I honestly couldn't forward it out fast enough.  I've reread it a few times and I just love it so much.  It's a great reminder to mamas of young ones that we need gentleness and slowness during this season because our littles are growing so fast.  Save the mile-long to-do lists and packed social calendar for when they are in school all day.

- this post makes me cry.  a lot.  it is everything i want to say to georgia right now if only she understood.  although i think she kinda does.  and she will.

- georgia and i are really into making popsicles these days.  but every. single. time we've made them we can't get them out of the molds when they are frozen.  i have some pretty cheap popsicle molds but am i missing something here?  anyone want to help a sister out and recommend a strategy or some great popsicle molds?  because us lopatka ladies over neeeeeeeeed popsicles if ya know what i mean.

- this is the easiest and yummiest chicken bake.  i made it for the first time last week after matt made some homemade pesto and it was a hit!  it will be making it's rounds at our house quite often :)

- my wheels are starting to turn about potty training.  i'm debating as to whether to start with G before or after baby boy.  she won't be quite 2 when he's born so i know it's a tad early, but she is showing some signs that she is ready now (I will still wait a few more months).  so i'm torn.  having one child in diapers would be amazingggggg, but i don't want to push the little lady since she is going to have to share her throne here pretty soon anyway.  suggestions mamas?

happy friday!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

the easiest and yummiest banana, oat and greek yogurt muffins

So I have the bad habit of mindlessly thumbing through Pinterest, pinning all of these delicious-looking recipes but then never giving them a second glance!  So I have set out to change my ways.  I now pin yummy recipes to my "Yummies Board" and when I try them and find they are a success, they get pinned to my private board called "tried and loved recipes," (not really sure why it's private?  I will probably change that because there is no need!).  My latest success story was inspired by these Banana Oat Muffins.  I tweaked the recipe just a bit and they are a huge hit in my house.  Recipe below.  Hope you like it!

- 1 cup plain Greek yogurt
- 2 ripe bananas
- 2 eggs
- 2 cups rolled oats (I used old fashioned but you can use quick too)
- 1/4 cup brown sugar (I used a touch less, maybe 1/8 cup, just because I was running out and they turned out perfect!)
- 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder
- 1/2 tsp. baking soda
- 1/2 cup white chocolate chips (I used Trader Joe's and didn't measure these at all.  I used half a bag)


Preheat oven to 400.  Grease or line muffin tin (if you use liners you still want to spray the liners because there is no oil in these muffins so it could cause them to stick).  Throw everything except the chocolate chips into a blender or food processor (I used my Vitamix) and blend until the oats are smooth.  Add chocolate chips and mix with spoon.  Pour batter into muffin tins, leaving each one about 3/4 full.  Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the edges are brown.  Georgia gobbled them up with some blueberries for snack yesterday and had one for breakfast with some yogurt this morning.  And the hubs can grab one (or 3!) on the way out of the door.

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Toddler Easter Dresses

1  /  2  /  3  /  4  /  5  /  6  /  7  /  8

I've been on the hunt lately for a cute Easter/Spring dress!  My mom ordered Georgia the cutest monogrammed dress that she will probably wear on Easter and through Spring but I can't help but look too.  We are also doing some maternity/family photos towards the end of April so I have a few occasions I suppose!  These are my top picks!  Which one is your favorite?

Friday, March 13, 2015

thoughts on georgia becoming a big sis

I stole all of these photos off of Matt's phone.  They are from recent daddy/daughter nights and they make my heart happy :)  My babies are so lucky they get Matt for dad.... so, so lucky.

I've been thinking a lot lately about this new babe that is on the way.  I cannot wait to kiss his little lips and cuddle his little newborn self.  I love him so much already!  But I've also been thinking about his big sis a lot.  A part of my heart breaks when I think about not being able to give her the same amount attention as I do now.  I know that's normal, and after talking to lots of mamas of multiple kids they have all reassured me that you find a way to have quality time with both child.  And I know that will happen.  But when I think about her new role as a big sis it just seems so grown up!  And she's not allowed to grow up anymore.  It's a new rule in our house.  I know a lot of these feelings are just my hormonal, emotional self creeping out, but gosh I just want my baby girl to stay little forever.  And my baby boy.  Maybe I can freeze time come August 1... something to work on.

All you mamas to more than one kiddo, what are your suggestions? How did you transition your big sibling into their role?  How do you balance it all?  Any tips for those first few weeks when I'm walking about like a big, fat zombie?  All suggestions welcome :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

a morning at the park

For the next few days this mama is working a bit (selling some amazing skin care!) so yesterday morning I jumped at the chance to spend some quality one-on-one time with my tiny babe (who's really not that tiny anymore).  We hopped over to our new favorite park and when we got there we were the only ones.  So little Miss G ran wild.  Despite the fact that all the equipment was wet, we rode slides, climbed stairs and shared a snack in our igloo.  We both left with wet clothes and happy hearts.  I love her so much it hurts.

So Happy Thursday!  Cuddle all the little people in your life.  A lot.  And the big people.  They need cuddles too.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How I Chose to Live on Purpose

taken last summer..can we go back?  or can we at least hurry up the warm weather please?!

"Living on Purpose" is a phrase that has been running through my brain so much over the past year or so.  Really since I became a mama.  Time is so fleeting.  Just today I was flipping through videos on my IPad and found myself, 20 minutes in, bawling at all of Georgia's videos from the first few weeks of her life (she was such a tiny, funny and adorable 7 week old y'all!).  That seems like yesterday.  And now she's 19 months old, getting ready to be a big sis.  I cannot even wrap my mind around how fast time is zooming by.  So living on purpose is something I want to do each and every day.  I want to know, that no matter how fast time whizzes by, I'm truly living it - taking chances, cherishing the little moments, being present, putting down my phone, having distraction free conversations with the people I love, pursuing Jesus with everything I have - because those are the things that fire me up.  Those are the things that give me a full life.  

So how do I do that?  I try.  That's the the first thing.  And I mess up a lot!  But one of the ways I can keep my heart and my mind set on the things that matter is starting my day with a little dose of Jesus.  In a perfect world, I would wake up at 5:30 and have an hour long quiet time every single morning.  And I am working to that, truly.  But right now, it really is just a little dose of Jesus at the start of my day.  Maybe while G is playing independently for a few minutes, or if I put on an episode of Little Einsteins, whenever I have a moment I take it.  Even that little reminder - a page from My Utmost for His Highest or Power Thoughts - focuses my mind on Him and not me, reminding me that today is not about me after all.  It's about Jesus and serving others.  And I need that reminder about 1 million times a day.

Another thing I try and do is I always leave my phone downstairs.  And by always, I mean most of the time.  There are times when I run down to grab it so I can take a video or a picture of my crazy toddler, but most of the time it remains downstairs.  Seems silly, but a large portion of playtime with G happens upstairs in her playroom or her "big girl room" as she calls it, which - side note: there is nothing in her big girl room yet except my old comforter that we are cutting down for her to use and a whole bunch of baby toys.  But for some reason, she lovessssss it.  And I even let her swing in her old baby swing praying she doesn't break it.  I digress.... back to the phone thing.  My phone used to be such a distraction between Facebook, Instagram, Email and texting.  And sure there is a time for all of that.  Texting with my girlfriends is a great way we keep in touch when we are all running in separate directions, but not during one-on-one time with my girl.  I also don't want Georgia to think that mommy is always distracted by something, or that she always has to have her phone.  I want Georgia (and baby boy) to value focus and attention and to understand that the best gift you can truly give someone is your full, undivided attention.  So I give her mine.  Every chance I get.  

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail."  We've all heard this quote a billion times by good ole' Ben Franklin (or possibly Winston Churchill?  or both!).  Well it. is. so. true.  I plan y'all.  I have to so I'm not a crazy person.  The main thing I plan is dinners.  I get such anxiety every day around noon if I haven't planned our dinner for that day.  Usually on Saturday or Sunday before we go to the grocery store I will make a lose dinner plan, run it by Matt, make any changes and boom.  Crisis averted.  We rarely go out to eat because, well, Gigi makes for a special restaurant guest at her current age and state.  So we avoid it.  And we eat healthier and save money when we eat at home so it's a triple win.  Make that a quadruple win with little ole' me has a plan and can prep dinner during nap time.  When mama's not a crazy person.... the whole house is happier, trust me :)

And last, I only let my to-do lists get so long.  I usually stop at 4-5 things a day and if laundry is one of those things I stop at 1.  Because laundry just takes forever.  And it's my least favorite chore on the planet.  I'm a big list-maker anyway but if I had my way I would have a list of 25 things to accomplish on a random Tuesday and when I'm trying to focus on what's important that day - raising my baby and being a loving wife - then I can't possibly accomplish all 25 things.  So I spare myself the unrealistic expectations as well as the added disappointment and I make realistic lists and I keep them small.  I do have a section in my planner where I have long-term goals and I find this extremely helpful in keeping me on track with things I want to accomplish.  But I usually only glance at those weekly and keep my short, day-lists in front of me.  

And those are a few ways I try to live on purpose each and every day.  I hope you enjoyed this little series and hearing from all of these amazing women.  I know I did.  How do you live on purpose??