
Monday, December 29, 2014

saying farewell to 2014

from the other week at our annual christmas exchange with my high school BFFs

Saying good-bye to one year and preparing for a new year is such a time of reflection for me.  Frankly this past month has been a time of reflection in my life.  I've obviously put blogging on the back-burner a bit, partially because it's the holidays and I've wanted to soak up every single sparkle in Georgia's little eyes and partially because this first trimester has knocked my socks off.  On top of getting the stomach bug, Matt's had a cold and I've been super exhausted and nauseous.  Honestly, I've just been kind of overwhelmed lately.  I feel like I've had so much to say on here but just haven't had the time or energy to say it.  I still have an amazing car review to share with y'all too (spoiler alert: I loved my weekend with a Tahoe!).

But my family is healthy again, I'm at the tail-end of my first trimester and I feel truly blessed to be ringing in 2015 with my favorite people, including the tiny baby lady/gentleman in my belly!  And God is so good y'all.  So good.  So all of this is so say hi!  I'm still here.  I still blog and I'm still so thankful for this community.  I'll be taking this week to prioritize and clear some clutter for the year ahead and hope to blog some more starting next week.  Things might be changing around here just a bit too :).  Until next week, happy new year!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

And baby makes FOUR! (five including our fur baby!)

Surprise!  While I've been MIA for the past few weeks, I've also been (and still am) pregnant!  Georgia will be a big sis this July.  Apparently I have a thing for July babies?!  Baby #2 is due a few weeks before G turns 2!  We are overwhelmed, excited and feeling so unbelievably blessed.  Unfortunately a lot of this first trimester has been spent hovering over a toilet as I've been kinda sick, and exhausted (chasing after a toddler probably adds to that!), but I know it will all be so very worth it and I cannot wait to meet my sweet baby.  I love him/her so much already.  And I know G is going to be the very best big sister.  She is such a loving child already, always sharing her "baba" (aka sippy cup of milk) with her animals and giving them kisses before night night.  Her new favorite word is "cozy" and that is code for cuddle time, under a blanket with mommy or daddy.  

So surprise!  Anticipate some preggy posts to come :)

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

oh hey! i'm alive!

preparing to take on the slide at chik fil a....

my heart

sooo about the radio silence.  so sorry about that.  things have been a bit out of control over here!  between christmas decorating, baking and all things merry life has been a fun mess!  and then.  thennnnnnn, my family came down with the worst. stomach bug. EVER.  like ever in the history.  like i threw up every 20 minutes for 13 hours worst ever.  so yea.  and thankfully my saint of a mom and dad were able to swoop in a save our tiny princess from our contaminated house so she did not get it.  not sure what i would do with out my parents, i really don't.  or my huz.  because when he felt just as bad as i did, he still Cloroxed and Lysoled away as to prevent any further contamination.  love my family.

so yea.  we are on the mend thankfully.  and just in time for my mama's annual cookie exchange party!  and the VS fashion show tonight!  and!  and!  my 29th birthday tomorrow!  wahooo!  lots of celebrating ahead and i love it.  so i apologize for the MIA-ness around here.  i promise to bring some great posts next week (a car review!  a special little announcement!  and lots of christmas cheer!).  until then, i'm going to go enjoy my last day as a 28 year old!


Monday, December 1, 2014

cyber monday // give back

cousins on thanksgiving

I've been excited for today for awhile.  I'm a BIG online shopper you see.  Cyber Monday is like my arena.  I love it.  But something happened last night.  Matt and I were watching 60 minutes per a usual Sunday night and it highlighted the World Food Programme, specifically it's work in aiding Syrian Refuges, and suddenly Cyber Monday seemed like a joke.  I was stunned.  In the 21st Century, in a world where my family had TOO MANY leftovers on Thanksgiving, people, children, are dying from starvation.  I'm not completely naive now.  I know there are other parts of this world, other parts of my city even, where people don't live like I do.  Where the last thing on their minds is Cyber Monday and the most pressing concern is their next meal.  But when the face of a child, a young girl, flashed across my TV screen in the arms of her mother where she died from hunger, I just couldn't shake it.  No child should die of hunger today.  Especially when food is just a few blocks away (which was the case for this sweet, poor child).  I know most of us sincerely try to give back, especially this time of year.  And I truly believe your efforts make a huge difference.  Whether it's Operation Christmas Child, Salvation Army Donations or baked goods for those in need, your help is needed and appreciated.  So I guess this post is just a whole lot of rambling for me to say thanks.  Thanks to those who tirelessly work for the good of others.  Thanks to the World Food Programme.  To their volunteers who give their lives to bring a little hope to families who have lost theirs.  You bring Jesus to places that have lost everything.  Thank you.  Also I want to encourage you ALL to take this quiz.  It is COMPLETELY FREE and takes maybe 90 seconds.  And for each quiz taken, a meal is donated.  Please yall.  It doesn't take much.  You can also donate to the World Food Programme Here.

**This post is NOT a bashing on Cyber Monday or shopping at all.  I believe in supporting small businesses and I love picking out gifts for loved ones.  It was just a bit of a reminder, maybe just for myself, that there is a bigger world that we live in.  One that needs us to act.  And act now.

Happy Monday!