
Monday, September 30, 2013

Mrs. Patel's Giveaway!

OK so I am sooooooooo excited about this giveaway.  I briefly mentioned Mrs. Patel's products here and y'all, I am so thankful for them.  They have helped me in my breastfeeding journey immensely and man they are yummy too.

A little background info for ya:
- Based on tradition medicine native to India, the ingredients used in these products have helped nursing mothers in India for thousands of years.
- All products help boost milk supply.
- All products also aid in postpartum healing.

They offer three products in a few flavors.

Fenugreek Bars (these are like dessert for breakfast)
*Increases milk supply and aids in joint healing
*Eat one every morning for a boosted milk supply
*3 flavors – peanut butter, chocolate and original

Milk Water Tea (this is what got me hooked)
*Strongest lactation agent they offer
*Drink 1-3 cups a day for a boosted milk supply
*Does not contain fenugreek or fennel
*2 flavors/blends – Herbal Blend and Chai Spice (my personal fave)

*These seeds aid in digestion and increase milk supply
*Best taken after meals
*Can sprinkle on salad, in yogurt on take on its own

I really can’t say enough about this company and their products.  They have generously offered to give one reader a combo pack so you can try all of their yummy products for free!  But if you don’t win, you’d be crazy not to try them!  But try to win first.   Winner will be drawn Friday morning!  So go get to enterin’
Instagram: @mrspatels

Friday, September 27, 2013

my fall obsessions

my fall obsessions

I am currently trying to find a way for each of these items to land in my closet....

1. A smocked dress from Asos.  Preferably this one or this one.
2. This adorable playsuit, also from Asos.
3. These distressed jeans that scream comfort and style.
4. The perfect black flat booties to wear with jeans or a maxi.
5. An every-day wool hat to hide my messy hair.
6. As many of these silk button-up shirts as possible for, well, every outfit possible.
7. Some new cut-off jean shorts to make my transition into fall a bit easier.

What are you loving this fall?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

three years

all above photos are courtesy of DVA Photography

Three years ago today, I made the best decision I've ever made.  I said, "I do" to the best man I know.   Doing life with him has been an honor and I thank my lucky stars each and every night I get to call him mine.  I never thought I could be happier than I was on this day three years ago.  But every day since has proved me wrong.  8 weeks and 1 day ago our family grew by one.  Seeing my husband as a father has forever changed my heart.  I always knew he'd be a great one because of the kind of husband he was to me.  But I never could have imagined a life this sweet.

Matt, I love you more today than I ever thought possible.  Thank you for loving me fiercely and without reserve.  Thank you for taking me as I am, faults and all.  And thank you for making each day with you the best day I've ever had.

Happy Anniversary Matthew Warren Lopatka!  I love you!

Monday, September 23, 2013

my breastfeeding story

Since becoming a mom, I spend about four hours a day connected to my baby or connected to a pump.  That's a lot of time.  A big commitment.  But a wonderful thing.  Before I write the rest of this post I want to make it clear that this is a no-judgment zone.  My choices may be different from some moms and that's OK.  I think as a mom we are empowered and blessed to be able to make choices for our children and those may look different to other people.  

So today I'm going to tell you how I choose to feed my baby.  As soon as I got pregnant I started researching breastfeeding.  Everything from ways to boost your milk to the perfect latch.  I read it all, saw it all and talked to everyone I could.  I was bound and determined to breastfeed Georgia.  It is something I wanted so badly.  My husband may even argue that I became obsessed.  Obsessed with being prepared and obsessed with making it happen.  Whatever was my case, I made it happen.  But let me tell you my journey has not been an easy one.

We had a rocky start in the hospital when the lactation consultant couldn't see me until the second day.  Despite my former research, by day 2 I was bleeding, cracked and bawling my eyes out every time my sweet girl latched on.  Thankfully my nurse in the hospital was amazing and when I finally met with the lactation nurse, we were able to correct the problems and (painfully) move forward.

But it got easier.  And less painful.  I will say the pain didn't last longer than a few days.  Well the excruciating pain at least.  And I was in such a delirious state from just having a baby that it's all kind of a blur.
So then I was rocking and rolling.  Or so I thought.  Around week 2, I was told to start "block feeding."  Basically I had to only feed from one side within a 3 hour period.  This is because G was not getting any of the hind milk (or the milk in the back) and this was causing her acidic poopies and a horrible rash on her sweet tush that no diaper cream could remedy.  So I did as I was told and "block fed" for about a week.  

G's poopies got better and so did her tush, but my milk supply suffered and I never felt like she was satisfied.  So I had to supplement in the afternoon feedings for about a week while I built back up my milk supply and pumped like crazy.  The first time I gave G formula I cried.  Like hysterically.  And it bothered me.  Mainly because I didn't know why I was crying.  Was it because I felt like I had failed?  Or because I was afraid for her health?  Or was it simply because our society kinda makes you feel like crap if you choose to formula-feed?  I decided it was the later and frankly I think that is just ridiculous.  I fully believe in the mantra, "happy mama, happy baby."  And so you mamas out there who decided to go the formula route - whether it was because you didn't produce enough milk, had to go back to work immediately, or frankly just didn't feel the desire to breastfeed - I pray you feel supported in your journey just as much as the rest of us.  Because feeding a baby is hard.  Whether it comes from the boob or a bottle or a can.  Figuring it all out is tough and God gave you the gift of motherhood and with that comes the ability to make choices.  So own your choice and know that whatever it is, it is the best for your babe.
OK sorry for the tangent.  But getting back on track.  The pumping allowed Matt to give a bottle every now and then which all sounds well and great until... enter nipple confusion.  G loooooooved the bottle and hated the boobie now.  Great.  She would kick and scream and push away from me.  But stick a bottle of my milk in her mouth?  One happy baby.  So for the past 3-4 weeks we have been practicing going back and forth, back and forth.  And thankfully she is finally getting the hang of it again.

Now all of that mumbo jumbo is a shortened version of my breastfeeding story.  But more or less the point is, it hasn't been easy.  There are three reasons I have made it this far with breastfeeding.
1. My husband
2. My mama
3. Mrs. Patel's Chai Spiced tea

1. The husband.  This man sat through the lactation meeting at the hospital taking more notes than me.  Then when we got home, he would sit with me while breastfeeding and offer support, suggestions and so much encouragement.  He still tells me every day that I’m doing such a great job with feeding our baby girl.  When we supplemented for a bit, he told me he was so proud of me and that I was an amazing mom.  He continually reminds me that, hey, this mess is hard, and while I’m not perfect, I’m doing a pretty dang good job in his book and that’s enough for me.

2. This little lady also sat beside me in those early days as I breastfeed.  Crying when G latched on, almost more than me.  Sometimes I think it was harder for her to get through than it was me.  I get it though.  As a mama you want to take any pain from your child.  And that was my mama’s wish.  But she couldn’t.  So instead she would come over and make me yummy snacks – and remind me of how far I had already come.  Every single day was like the greatest accomplishment.  And I still hold on to the mindset because it's the truth.  Day by day, I'm feeding my baby.

3.  This teaMrs. Patel’s Chai Spice.  Oh my gosh it’s yummy.  I take it with one spoonful of raw sugar and dash of soy milk.  Tastes like a chai latte I swear yall.  And it's caffeine-free!  So you can have a cup and then immediately crawl back in bed with your little babe for a snooze.  I read about this tea before having G so I had 3 bags on hand when I came home from the hospital.  I immediately started drinking two cups a day.  One in the morning.  One at night.  It aids in detoxing your body after birth which I needed because I was swollen up like a blimp.  Before leaving the hospital, G’s pediatrician told me my milk should be in within 4-5 days.  Well, it came in after 2.  And I truly believe I have this tea to thank.  Despite my breastfeeding hiccups, I have been blessed that G has never had a problem gaining weight.  She’s healthy and was back at her birth weight when she was 4 days old.  And guys, it’s because of this tea.  It increases your milk production and makes you feel good too.  And when I had to build up my supply during that 3rd week?  I drank 3 cups of tea a day instead of 2 and boom.  After a few days my supply was up and running and I haven’t had to supplement since.  Now that G is sleeping longer stints at night there are times (mainly on the weekends) when I choose sleep over pumping.  And then weekend plans sometimes get me busy like when we out of town for that wedding, and well – pumping is hard to find time to do.  So if my milk supply dips at all, I drink another cup of the tea for a few days and my supply is back up again.  I’ve also recently added their fenugreek bars to my morning ritual.  Ummmmmmmm……….. amaze.  I feel like I’m having desert at 8am.  They are that good.  So thank you Mrs. Patel's.  Thank you for making milk production so yummy.
  (Disclaimer:  I don't need to drink the tea or eat the bars anymore because, thankfully, my milk supply is good to go.  But truth be told.  I'm addicted.  It's all so yummy!)

So that is my story.  And those are the three things that have helped me the most.  I hope it has provided someone encouragement or information that they needed.  And seriously – go get ya some of that tea and those bars.  Also we are doing a giveaway next Monday for one of Mrs. Patel’s combo packs (you get the bars, the tea AND the munch crunch which I've been dying to try) so come back and enter!

Friday, September 20, 2013

guest posting at the failte house!

happy friday!  yesterday i was honored to be guest posting over on Sheila's blog, The Failte House.  I love this girl a ton and feel so blessed to have met her via this blogland we live in.  so hurry over and check out my post and her amazing blog! yay! yay!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A shower for Mason Charles (and his beautiful mama!)

September is a crazy month huh?  I feel like every weekend we have showers and weddings and oh what fun!  All of this celebrating makes me so so happy.  Well last weekend as I mentioned here, we attended a beautiful wedding Saturday night in the big metropolis of Fayetteville, North Carolina.  Well Sunday – the fun didn’t stop.  Together with two of my (and Georgia’s) besties, we showered another dear friend and her baby boy to be!  We went with a "southern gentleman" theme because that is exactly with this sweet boy is going to be!  But among the mason jars and bow ties, there was so much love surrounding these beautiful preggy mama and her baby boy.

Mason, we cannot wait to meet you sweet boy!  You are so very loved already (and my oh my you have A LOT of girlfriends already).  Your mama and daddy are simply the best.  The cream of the crop.  I feel blessed to call them friends and so excited that you get them as parents.  We love you sweet boy!