
Thursday, May 30, 2013

preggy beauty faves

pregnant beauty faves

Since becoming pregnant I have had to re-do my skin care regime – which I have found has been a bit more challenging than I thought.  My skin is prone to breakouts and salicylic acid does wonders to keep my pesky breakouts at bay.  However, when you’ve got a bun in the oven salicylic acid is a no-go.  Hmmmm.  Next challenge.  Retinol (or Vitamin A).  I have been a devoted user for about a year before coming pregnant and I love it.  I use SkinDeep Vitamin A and it is a miracle worker – evens skin tone, prevents aging, helps with acne.  I mean I’m in love.  However, bun in the oven = no retinol.  So I’ve had to search for other products that are safe for me and my babe during this time in my life.  And here is what I’ve found.  Got any suggestions?  I’d love to hear them!
1.       Mario Badescu Oil Free Lotion – I use this every morning.  It’s oil free so it doesn’t make me break out and it sets in nicely, leaving me grease-free!  And it already has my SPF for the day.  Boom.  Easy and simple.  If I know I’ll be heading to the beach or going outside a lot I’ll use Joise Maran Argan Moisterizer SPF 45 on top as well. 
2.       Dermadoctor Wrinkle Revenge Nightly Recovery – I love a good night cream.  Before getting pregnant I was pretty dedicated to my Vitamin A cream every single night.  Well, any form of retinol is a no-go when you’ve got a bun in the oven and I struggled to find something that would still even out my skin tone while preggers.  Enter this stuff.  It’s pregnancy approved and feels so good on my skin at night.  It’s super light and moisturizing and has really helped with my dark spots during pregnancy.  I love it.  Love love love.
3.       Alba Face Mask – I love a good face mask.  And during pregnancy I have needed one at least once a week, partly for my relaxation and partly for my acne-prone skin.  This one is organic and works.  It leaves my skin feeling so soft and fresh.  I’ll usually put it on about mid week at night before bed.  Leave it on for 15-20 minutes.  Rinse and follow with my Dermadoctor. 
4.       Juice Beauty Tinted Moisturizer – I don’t use this every day, but I’m not a fan of foundation at all.  Liquid foundation usually leaves my skin feeling oily, shiny and eventually leads to break-outs.  But every now and then, say on a Friday night, I want a little more coverage than my usual powder and bronzer match-up.  So I use this.  It gives me a little coverage while also giving me great moisture.  Doesn’t leave me feeling greasey and sometimes I wear this alone with a little blush for a more dewy look. 
5.       Mario Badescu Cucumber Cleansing Lotion – I have found that using a toner has been key throughout my pregnancy.  It helps keeps breakouts at bay and gives me a “cleaner” feeling.  I love this toner and use it every night after washing my face and before putting on my Dermadoctor. 
6.       bareMinerals Warmth – I’ve been using this stuff for years.  It’s the perfect bronzer for me and I usually just wear it right over my moisturizer for an easy, fresh, every-day look when getting ready for work.  It doesn’t clog my pores and it goes on even.
7.       Philosophy Purity Facial Cleanser – I use this face wash morning and night (at night time with my Clarasonic).  It’s moisturizing and gentle and does the job just right.  My face is never left feeling dry or stripped away, just soft and clean.
So those are a few products that have been on my go-to shelf over the past 8 months.  I’m slowly trying to make over my beauty routine into all natural and organic products but that has been tough.  I would love any recommendations or to hear about YOUR beauty favs!  Also, anyone have a good eye cream they recommend?  I need!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

PREGGY UPDATE: 28-31 weeks

And now I bring you a preggy update! 28-31 Weeks

How Far Along: 31 weeks as of yesterday!  Last week of my 7 month!  Then I’ll be 8 months preg.  Whoa.  Scary.

Size of Baby: Georgia is the size of a pineapple now!  My precious pineapple!  She is about 16 inches long and weighs about 3.5 pounds!  Holy cow my baby girl’s a growin! 

Maternity Clothes: Ummmm I love them.  I love my jean shorts and cute maternity t’s.  I still rock some non-maternity stuff like maxi dresses and flowy tops.  But when it comes to bottoms.  It’s workout clothes or my bump-friendly shorts.  I am super excited to wear this on Friday for my maternity photos!  

Stretch Marks: None yet.  Coconut oil and BioOil nightly with some Burt’s Bees Tummy Butter mixed in during the day are still my weapons of choice.  But man am I itchy!!!
Sleep: Sleeping is a little harder these days.  I wake up lots, either to go to the bathroom, reposition or walk off a cramp.  I’ve been having the words cramps in my calves and my feet!  Any suggestions from you mamas would be great!  I drink tons of water every day (3 liters) and eat healthy for the most part so I’m not too sure what is going on!

Best Moment of the Week/Past Month:  Well as of late we are on a two-week doctor schedule so that means we get to hear baby’s heartbeat lots more!  And I loooove it!  We also had our Lamaze class this past Saturday and that was pretty amazing.  I’m a huge planner and it just made me feel more organized and prepared.  And can we talk about how “into” it my husband was?  I die.  Just precious.

 Movement:  Matt and I are convinced that we are growing a baby bunny, a baby kangaroo or a professional break-dancer.  She moves like crazy!!  ALL THE TIME.  No sweet needed.  I actually have been watching my sweets a bit more lately because she does move so much and when she’s on a sugar high – she uses my ribs and bladder as punching bags.  When we were at our check-up last week, my doctor asked me if I had eaten a candy bar that day.  I just laughed and said nope, but I had a banana an hour ago.  And he said, “man, can’t imagine what’d she’d do with a candy bar.”  So little bunny/kangaroo/break-dancer – we love you and your little squirms!

Cravings: Still eating everything.  Lately I’ve loved pizza more.

Gender: Still a baby girl :)

Belly Button In or Out: Still in… but wondering if it’s gonna make it’s way out soon?

Wedding Ring on or Off: On and still pretty lose thankfully.  Not sure if I should keep it on or take it off just in case?  Thoughts?

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Still feeling so blessed to say no!

What I Miss: I. NEED.  WINE.  Red Wine.  Preferably a pinot noir or a blend.  Not for the buzz, for the taste.  I’ve been piling my stash higher and higher with shipments from out wine club and can’t wait to bust out a bottle after baby girl arrives 

What I am Looking Forward to: SO MUCH!  My showers kick off this weekend and my sissy and sissy-in-law are throwing me one on Saturday!  And Friday evening Matt and I have our maternity shots!  EEEEEEEEEEEEEK.  So much fun stuff.

Labor Signs: Nope thank goodness.   Getting a little paranoid about that though.  

Nursery: I switched up her plan a bit.  Oooops.  But we have furniture and it is slowly coming together!  I’m hoping to do her nursery reveal in the next few weeks.  We will see how much I get done.  

Emotions:  So excited!  I want to meet her so bad.  I want to hold her.  And I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that my “to-do” lists will be here after she arrives no matter what.  So hurry up baby girl!  But not really, because I want you to put on some weight and keep growing before you enter my arms.  K thanks!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Showering Lawson

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of co-hosting a baby shower for a sweet friend from college.  Brittany and I met our freshman year when we lived across the hall from each other and have been friends ever since!  She is expecting a sweet baby boy in a matter of weeks and I am so excited to share these pictures from her precious shower. 
Lawson, I can’t wait to snuggle you little bear!

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Matthew the Golfer

While away a few weeks ago in Kiawah, Matt and I stole away for a round of golf.  His boss and marketing director joined us and it was oh so fun.  Don't know what it is, but I love my husband when he plays golf.  It melts me...

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Something I'm Struggling With // Day 20 of the Challenge

29 weeks
So on Mondays (sometimes Tuesdays) I try and post something baby-related.  Whether it’s a pregnancy update or a letter to Georgia.  I’ve been pretty faithful about these even when the rest of my blogging has been slack.  Well today, I’m still talking babies… kinda.  I’m joining Jenni again for her Blog Every Day in May Challenge. 
Her orders: Day 20, Monday: Get real. Share something you're struggling with right now
Well.  Well.  Well.  It just so happens that the something I’m struggling with right now has to do with this little babe in my belly.  I am soooooooo excited to meet her.  Like complete excitement overload right now.  When she starts kicking at night I scream “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek come look!” and make Matt rush over every single time.  I talk to her all the time too.  So does Matt.  He has a funny/adorable/sweet daddy voice he uses and it melts my heart.  I don’t want to wish time away at all.  I have showers to look forward to and lots still on my to-do list but my oh my!  I can’t wait to meet my baby girl.  I know these next 10 weeks are going to fly by and honestly?  I hope they do!!! 
But OK back to the challenge.  Something I’m struggling with.  This is more of a fear of mine I suppose but I am PETRIFIED of labor.  Yes I want to meet my baby girl more than there are stars in the sky – but the process that leads up to that meet and greet?  Leaves me intensely scared.  I’ve had nightmares about the whole thing that only a crazy person would have (not remembering the birth of my child, the doctor showing me an epidural that was 6 feet tall and 6 feet wide, oh and losing my child after labor!).  Now luckily most of my dreams are crazy bananas and most likely will not happen.  Whew.  Sigh of relief.  But then there’s these things that I am terrified of that really could happen.  Like the pain.  That will definitely happen.  I don’t take pain too well either.  I’ve thought about a doula for my labor and read birth story after birth story comparing natural births and births getting an epidural.  I’ve researched the chances of a C-section and the affects it has on the mom and baby.  I’ve had sweet friends go through all of these birth processes in the past 4 months.  But none of that seems to make me feel better.  I still don’t know exactly what my “birth plan” is and frankly the whole labor part in general scares the bajeebers out of me.  Why can’t they pump me with red wine during labor instead?  That relaxes me just fine…
So there you have it.  I’ve got about 10 weeks until it’s go time.  Maybe even less!  But right now that is what I’m struggling with.  I pray about it a lot, and if you think about, and want to add me in your prayers – will you pray too?  Sometimes I even feel so repetitive like God is annoyed with me.  Like ummmm, you asked for the same thing yesterday (an easy delivery and a healthy baby).  But luckily God knows how crazy I am.  In fact, He created me that way.  So for the next 10 months I will remain on my knees.  Praying for an easy delivery and a healthy baby.  But also for peace, comfort and strength through Him on that beautiful day I get to meet my baby girl

30 weeks

Friday, May 17, 2013

BabyMoon # 2

A few weekends ago I was in pure relaxation mode.  Matt and I were able to steal away for a few days and head down to Kiawah Island.  He had some business stuff to do for a few days, but don’t worry we got plenty of time to snuggle and frolick!  We stayed at The Santuary, ate delicious meals and played some golf (err... I drove the cart).  And I even saw Brooke Shields!  She was dining in Charleston at the same restaurant.  I was starstruck and completely awkward.  But alas, here are some photos from our final babymoon…