
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BabyMoon #1

At the end of March Matt and I decided to steal away for a few days as kind of a “mini babymoon,” or babymoon number 1 as I like to call it.  We went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and holed up in a hotel for 3 nights without any distractions.  Our hopes of playing putt-putt and long walks on the beach were, unfortunately, slashed thanks to the tropical storm force winds, rain and close to freezing temperatures, but that didn’t stop us from having fun.  And most of all – relaxing.  From what we hear this baby thing leaves you little time for relaxation so our plan is to get as much of that in before July 29th as possible.  So here are a few pictures from our babymoon number 1 (all taken by my trusty dusty IPhone - so I apologize for the quality).

This week we are headed down a little farther south to Kiawah Island for another mini babymoon or babymoon number 2.  We are praying for better weather this time but regardless it will me and my honey on the beach, far, far away from reality.  Rain or shine, it doesn’t get much better than that don’t ya think?

Oh, and for this babymoon I promise to make my Cannon and get some quality pictures :)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Preggy Update: 27 weeks

And now I bring you a preggy update! 25-27 Weeks

How Far Along: 27 weeks today!  This is the last week in my second trimester!

Size of Baby: Georgia is the size of a rutabaga and is headed towards being the size of an eggplant! She is about 14 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. 

Maternity ClothesStill in the same boat.  I love my maternity jeans and shorts.  Love them.  But now that the weather has finally started warming up, I am able to wear more of my dresses and flowy tops!  Basically I just like to be comfy.  I wrote a post about dressing while you’re pregnant for my sweet friend Kate on her blog HERE.   

Stretch Marks: None yet.  Coconut oil and BioOil nightly with some Burt’s Bees Tummy Butter mixed in during the day to combat my itchiness.
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good as of right now!  Still no maternity pillow and I’m praying I keep sleeping like a babe. 

Best Moment of the Week/Past Month:  One of the best moments of the past few weeks was two weekends ago.  Matt and I were in Athens, Georgia with family because his dad was honored at a Baseball Alumni Event.  My 3 year old nephew wanted to put his hand on my belly to feel his cousin move and right when he laid his hand down she kicked hard, and I mean hard!  The look on my nephew’s face was completely priceless.  Not sure if we excited or scared.  Either way, I’ll never forget that.

 Movement:  Lots of it!  At night time, Matt and I will watch my belly move as she kicks and wiggles around.  So cool.  So crazy.

Cravings: I don’t discriminate.  I eat everything I see.

Gender: Still a baby girl J 

Belly Button In or Out: Still in!

Wedding Ring on or Off: On.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Still feeling so blessed to say no!

What I Miss: Red Wine, Sushi and Spray tans.  I’m super anal about sunscreen and I’m super pale.  But those combos together and take away the option to spray tan and you’ve got one pale mama. 

What I am Looking Forward to: My babymoon #2 this week!  I’ll be posting pictures from #1 tomorrow.

Labor Signs: Nope thank goodness.  Too early for that!  

Nursery: I revealed her “plan” here and am slowly, but surely making that happen.  Slowly is key HERE. 

Emotions:  So excited!  A little overwhelmed with silly “to-do lists,” but grateful that those to-lists mean nothing and my sweet baby girl will be here soon.  Ready or not.

Also today I am guest posting over at Walking on Sunshine for Kelly while her and her hubby are off on a tropical vacay!  I’m talking about the importance of traveling when married and when you have kids.  Check it out here!

Friday, April 26, 2013

ramblings on a friday

this is what happiness looks like my friends.  sevilla riding shotgun with her head out the window....

10 random ramblings for your friday
1.       THIS ARTICLE is really good.  You should read it.
2.       When you’re pregnant, strangers stop looking at your face.  In fact, I'm not sure they remeber you have one.  Instead, they stare, sometimes smile, and even say hello to your growing belly.  I used to find it so uncomfortable.  Now, I just accept it.
3.       Warm weather is like taking a happy pill.  It's the best.  I love walking outside and smelling the fresh cut grass.
4.       I need some good stress buster ideas.  Got any?  Lately I’ve been getting overwhelmed with all that needs to be done before baby arrives.  I try to remind myself that even after sweet Georgia gets here, we will still be able to be somewhat productive but it doesn’t help.  I need to chill.
5.       Girlfriends are the best.  Everyone just have some good ones. 
6.       I get really winded lately.  Before getting pregnant, I would like to have thought I was in decent shape.  But this pregnancy thing takes it out of ya.  And I’m not quite to my 3rd trimester!  Walking back and forth carrying my laptop bag through a few schools a day and I’m beat.  So exercise has since, taken a back seat. 
7.       LOFT has seriously cute stuff this season.  I went in the other day for some clothes I can wear preggy and settled on this dress, which I do love.  But what I really wanted was this dress.  And don’t think I wasn’t considering buying it and saving it until next Spring.  But then I came to my senses I suppose.  I still think about it though….
8.       So I know everyone loves a good ole’ fashion Wedny’s frosty, but have y’all ever tried the Wendy’s vanilla frosty?  With oreos on top?  Ah-maze-ing.  I used to be an ole’ fashion chocolate frosty kinda girl, but then my hubby got one of those delicious vanilla creations and well… I ate the whole thing.
9.       I eat chocolate every day.  Most days, multiple times.  Sometimes it’s chocolate milk, chocolate grahm crackers or chocolate yogurt.  But I love it.  And when I hear people on E News talking about how they have sweet “a couple times a week,” but “whenever they want to,” I call bull-crap.  I mean, I don’t eat a chocolate chess pie every day, but a little sweet every day is fine right?!? Right. 
10.   I love my drive to work.  It takes about 30 minutes most days and it’s such a special time.  I don’t let myself turn on the radio at all.  The day will be filled with plenty of hustle and bustle I’m sure.  Sounds weird I know, but I usually use the time to pray.  Pray for my baby, pray for my marriage, pray for my friends and family, and pray for my stubborn self.  Sometimes I sit in silence for 20 minutes before I can start praying, and others it just flows right outta me.  It’s a good time.  And it clears my head and focuses my heart. 

Happy Friday!  xox

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Baby Turbeville's Shower

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of co-hosting a baby shower for one of my closest friends in Wilmington and her baby girl.  I met Cara about a year and half ago when we joined a couple's small group and it was as if we'd know each other forever.  I wrote more about that here.  Yesterday, Cara gave birth to her sweet baby girl, Ruby Emerson.  I could not be happier for my sweet friend and look forward to many, many memories made with this family.  Love you Cara!

But for now here are some pictures from that sweet Saturday...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Georgia Grace's Nursery

thank you britt for creating my inspiration board of the images i found!

I am super indecisive at times.  It’s a struggle that I am constantly working on.  And when it comes to Georgia’s nursery; there was no exception.  The walls in her sweet room were painted khaki and it took me weeks to decide if I wanted to paint it or not.  Well friends, I’ve started to make some of those tough decisions.  The room is painted – a light (almost white) blue and the carpets are steamed.  Now I’m ready for the furniture and decorating to begin!  I’ve even ordered her curtains.  Progress right?  Well, because I’m so indecisive, my sweet friend Britt offered to make me an inspiration board to gather my thoughts.  I’m terrible with Photoshop so I happily said, “Yes!  Thank you!” and sent over my images.    So the beautiful montage above thanks to the sweet Britt.
So what do you think?  I’ve already ordered the curtains and the prints… no turning back I suppose?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Weekend and Guest post

a few weeks ago at 22 weeks
Happy Monday!  Hope y'all had a great weekend!  Mine was spent with sweet family in Athens Georgia watching my father-in-law get recognized at a Baseball Alumni game.  Go Dawgs!  I'll have pictures and more on that trip later, but today I'm over at Baubles and Cocktails talking about how to dress while pregnant. 
Check it out HERE 

Friday, April 19, 2013

sweet friends

A few days ago I talked a little bit about the move that Matt and I made almost two years ago from Winston-Salem to Wilmington. That post is here. I talked a lot about how God provided more than we could have hoped. His blessings left us completely humbled. But one of his biggest blessings? Friends. Like I mentioned in my previous post, we were beginning to make great friends in Winston-Salem. Friends that we loved and respected – friends we could call anytime. And I am still so grateful for those relationships made. I cherish each and everyone one of those friendships and always will. But what about Wilmington friends? We had our siblings and our parents and the time we get to spend with them is so special to me. And luckily one of my best friends from growing up lived here (and now 2 of them do!) and Matt had a few friends from pharmacy school which was great. And we still see each of them a lot and love them so. But we were attending a big church and we wanted to meet people at this big church. We wanted to see familiar faces on Sundays.

And can I just say when you are in your late twenties trying to meet people at places other than your favorite college bar, it’s hard! Super hard! And awkward! I’m somewhat awkward anyway – put me in a place where I feel uncomfortable and I clam up, stutter and hide behind my big, tall husband.

Matt and I with two of the sweet couples we met just last year.

But somehow we ended up at one of the most awkward nights at church – ever. A bunch of couples, coming together to try and form bible studies. Sort of like a meet-and-greet. Don’t get me wrong, this is a wonderful time and such a cool thing that our church does. And it is because of this night that we have friends. But I’m just bad at this stuff. Well, as the night progresses, Matt and I had successfully aimlessly wandered around because of my awkwardness and we were headed for the door when Matt saw a familiar face. A guy who worked at the store connected to his pharmacy. And alas! He had a wife! Then one thing led to another and another couple stopped to talked to us, then two more. So there we were, in the middle of all of the meet-and-greet chaos, five couples in their late twenties, all married for about a year and half at that time. So we decided to start a bible study. Why not? They all looked normal, not serial-killer-like at all, all married like us, no kids and super nice.

Flash forward again to a year and half later. One couple moved (and moved back) from Costa Rica, one couple has a 5 week old baby girl, one couple is a week away from giving birth to their baby girl, one couple (that would be Matt and I) are four months away from giving birth to their baby girl, and the last couple is 7 months away from giving birth to their first baby _____ (gender unknown). And yet, it feels like I’ve known each of these people my whole life. It’s felt like that since the beginning. I mean seriously? God is so good.

with two mama's to be.  the one in the middle is sweet laney's mom!
And no we didn’t all plan to get pregnant together! Most of these pregnancies happened by “accident” aka God. I truly believed he put these people in our life at a time when he knew we would need friends near by and friends experiencing the same things. We are now all going through the same thing and get to love and support each other as we navigate life and pretty soon, parenthood. We are incredibly blessed by these sweet couples! 

So this post is just a thank you.  A thank you to God, for bringing people in to our lives when He knows we need them.  He has blessed us abundantly in the friends department with friends that live near and far.  As we get ready to start this next chapter in our lives, I am so grateful for all of the aunts and uncles that Georgia Grace will come to know.

And the newest addition to our little group of friends....
Miss Laney Gray Heath

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Charleston Naturally

I’m super particular about what I put on my face and on my skin.  I was that way before pregnancy and became even more aware when I realized I was with babe.  After all, every little thing that you put on your skin enters your bloodstream in some percent, so make sure you know what you’re slappin' on!  My “regime,” as my husband calls it, has gradually progressed into a mostly organic process.  I don’t want synthetics or harsh chemicals on me, in me, or in my babe.  Period.  So I choose carefully when it comes to my beauty products.
A few weeks ago I received some goodies to sample and try from Charleston Naturally – a divine-smelling lotion, and a shampoo and conditioner combo that promised me voluptuous hair.  I had never shopped with Charleston Naturally before but after perusing their sight for oh… an hour, I’m likin' what I see.  My cart holds sunscreens, lotions and shampoos.  But first I wanted to try the products they sent me, so after a few weeks of using both products here’s what I think:

1.       DEEP STEEP BODY LOTION – Ummm, I’m addicted.  I’m super particular about lotions on my body because it’s hard to find something that moisturizes all day but isn’t too thick that you can barely lather it on.  And I typically have pretty dry skin.  Luckily Charleston Naturally swooped in a saved the day and I am now a firm believer in this lotion.  It’s 100% organic with only natural ingredients and the texture!  Oh the texture.  It’s a light moisturizer and doesn’t leave your arms sore from rubbing it in, BUT it keeps you moisturized ALL day.  It really does feel amazing on my skin and even my husband has noticed my super silky legs lately.  Did I mention the smell?  It comes in a few different options but I am addicted to the Grapefruit.  Not too strong, but still pleasant.  So if you want a good moisturizer for the summer – CHECK IT OUT.  And it’s easy on the wallet – another plus!

2.       RAHUA SHAMPOO & CONDITIONER.  – OK so I’m usually a Lanza girl thanks to my hair stylists who swears by all of their products for healthy, beautiful hair.  And I still do love my Lanza.  But upon receiving these little gems, I took a break from Lanza and gave this a whirl.  They are volumizing products, so at first I was hesitant.  In the past, volumizing shampoos and conditioners leave my hair dry, brittle and hard to comb through after a shower.  So, I gave these products a whirl and was honestly shocked.  Not only was my hair soft and smooth after my shower, it really gave me volume!!  Even my husband asked if I had used my Velcro curlers – nope hubby – just the miracle products.  The shampoo feels clean and clarifying, while the conditioner feels creamy and moisturizing.  I like to change up my shampoo and conditioner ever-so-often and once my current Lanza bottles have run dry, I will be switching to this shampoo for sure.

So there ya have it!  A few good products that I hope you, too, will try and enjoy as much as I did.  I promise you won’t regret it!

body lotion  //  shampoo  //  conditioner
