
Thursday, March 28, 2013

my maternity style

maternity style

1  //  2  //  3  //  4  //  5  //  6  //  7  //  8  

So I needed some maternity clothes.  Bad.  I know some people can go their whole pregnancy rocking the belly band, and that is great.  I'm a little jealous of you girls.  But I just could not.  I wore the belly band for awhile, but when my unzipped jeans started cutting off my circulation I knew something had to give.  So above are a few of my favorite new bump-friendly purchases.  Some are not technically maternity, but trust me, they can do a bump good.  I think this summer I'll be sticking with my new favorite jean shorts, flowy tops and lots of maxi dresses.  And of course my bathing suit.  I listed an adorable one-piece up there which I fully intend to march around in, but don't think I'm throwing in my bikinis.  Nope.  I may just flaunt my belly a little at the pool.  Why not?  I've only got it for a few more months :)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

La Mia Vita Guest Post


Hey guys!  Today I'm over on Nicole's blog sharing my spring must-have's for this year.  
Her blog - La Mia Vita - is one of my daily reads so head on over and check it out!  

La Mia Vita

What are your spring must-have's?

Monday, March 25, 2013

preggy update: 18-21 weeks!

And now I bring you a preggy update! 18-21 Weeks

How Far Along: 21 weeks today!

Size of Baby: Baby is the size of a pomegranate. SHE is about 10.5 inches long and weighs 12.7 ounces. 

Maternity Clothes: I went shopping this past weekend!  Yay for maternity jeans and shorts because let’s be honest, my pants were NOT zipping… and haven’t been for awhile.  So glad I don’t have to worry about showing off my goods at work anymore.  Will post some of my finds later this week.   

Stretch Marks: None yet.  Sticking to my Coconut Oil nightly. 

Sleep: Waking up 2-3 times a night just to readjust but still sleeping good!  Can’t complain!

Best Moment of the Week/Past Month:  Oh my goodness finding out “it” was a “she” was amazing, and that she was healthy!  Oh and her sweet kicks.  I love it all.

Movement:  Yes!  She does karate and ballet in my belly a few times a day and I love it.  Her little flutters are slowly changing into downright kicks.  Matt even felt a few!  Such a cool moment.  I’ll never forget that one.

Cravings: Still love my chocolate milk every night.  And breakfast food.  All the time.  Scrambled eggs, waffles, turkey sausage.  I could have it for all three meals every day of the week.

Gender: It’s a GIRL!  Little Miss Georgia Grace Lopatka.  Read about her name here.

Belly Button In or Out: Still in!

Wedding Ring on or Off: On.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick: Feeling so blessed to say no!

What I Miss: Still miss my red wine.  And now that spring is around the corner, I miss my Blue Moon too.

What I am Looking Forward to: My next appointment in a few weeks when I’ll be 6 months preggy!  WAHOOO.  And I can’t wait to start the nursery.

Labor Signs: Nope thank goodness.  Too early for that!  

Nursery: It’s… hmm in the works?  The crib is painted.  And that’s it.  I think I’m going to paint the room so I need to get on that.  And I have so many ideas.  Now if I could just hone in on a plan….

Emotions:  A lot better this trimester.  I’m not quite as fragile as my first trimester self.  But don’t worry, I still cry a few times a week.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

can't do everything

I need to read this quote every day.
There is so much truth in it and my over-committing self needs to take a deep breath.  I sometimes find myself completely stretched too thin and now is one of those times.  I hate saying “no.”  Just hate it! “No” sounds so harsh to me.  But I’ve learned, “no” can be freeing and a positive thing.  I over commit to obligations or events – and not even obligations – that sounds so negative.  I over-commit to fun, enjoyable things – things I want to do and help with.  But then I’m left scrambling trying to balance them with my other life stuff.  And what good does that do anyone?  
So today is a day of declutter for me. I am saying no when I can’t find the time and I am re-focusing myself on my Jesus, my family and myself.  Yes.  Myself.  I need me time.  Time at the gym, time to clear my head before making dinner, and time to spend in silence.  Because I can’t give those first two items my best self if I am not my best self.  And Jesus and my family both deserve my best.  Not my perfect self.  Because we all know both would be waiting forever on that one.  But my best self.  Not a hurried quiet time just to check it off the list, and not quick bite to eat with my hubby so I can hurry and finish a project.  I’m saying no to both of those and I’m saying yes to what really matters.  Because I know I can do anything, and for that I am grateful.  But knowing I can’t do everything, makes it all more possible.

Is there anything you can declutter from your life?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

GIVEAWAY with Simply Clarke and Carolina Fireflies

A few days ago, Marquis @ Simply Clarke  and Kristyn @ Carolina Fireflies reached 1000 followers on their blogs!

To celebrate reaching 1000 followers, they have teamed up with some of their favorite bloggers to throw a huge giveaway in order to say thank you to their readers. Take a few minutes and show each of them some love.

ONE lucky reader will win over $400 + of goodies from these 24 lovely bloggers!

Check out each blogger below to see what they are giving away and show them some LOVE!

1. Simply Clarke - Ad Space & $15 design credit to Clarke Creative
2. Carolina Fireflies - Ad Space & $25 Etsy GC
3. Passion, Pink and Pearls - Pretty In Pink Interior Design Package
4. The Dwelling Tree - 1 Month In-Post Ad Space
5. Gratefully Inspired - Ad Space & Floral Journal from Joules
6. Mikaela Rae - Large Ad Space
7. Love, Laughter, Happily Ever After - 1 Month In-Post Ad Space
8. My Name Is Madeline - 1 Month Large Ad Space
9. My Beautiful Crazy Life - 1 Month Medium Ad Space
10. This Little Blonde - 2 Months "Sleeping Beauty" Ad Space
11. Caravan Sonnet -$10 Starbucks GC
12. The Life of a Not So Ordinary Wife - 1 Month Medium Ad Space
13. Hooah and Hiccups - 1 Month Large Ad Space
14. Walking in Memphis in High Heels - 1 Month Large Ad Space
15. Simply Free - 1 Month Ad Space
16. Back Home Again - 3 Months Large Ad Space
17. Faith Love & Babies - 2 Months Ad Space
18. XO, Allison - $20 GC
19. Wifessionals - 1 Month Small Ad Space
20. Life by Rikki - $10 Target GC
21. Chaos, Commotion, and Emotion - 1 Month Platinum In Post Ad Space
22. Classy Living - 1 Month Large Ad Space
23. Simply Southern. Simply Lauren. - Choice of any shirt from my etsy shop.
24. Virgin Monologuez - $10 Paypal Cash

1// Giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS 
2// Winner will be notified via email on Wednesday 3/27/13 or Thursday 3/28/13. 
You will have 48 hours from the timestamp on the email to respond, or a new winner will be chosen.
4// View the Terms & Conditions listed on the Rafflecopter below

Thursday, March 14, 2013

georgia grace lopatka

your mama's 20 week bump

Georgia Grace Lopatka,
I am so excited to share your name. I know a lot of people keep their baby’s name secret until they arrive, but not one ounce of your mama wanted to do that. Partly because I’m terrible at secrets, but mostly because I am just so excited about your sweet name. There is no doubt in my mind you are a Georgia. Your daddy and I have had you named for awhile too – even before you were conceived. Crazy huh? We’ve thought about you that much and for that long. You’ve already been nicknamed Gigi and you’re not even here yet!

your pop pop, daddy and g-daddy
But little one I want you know what your name means and why it is so close to my heart. It starts with Georgia. You see those men up there? The best three men I know right there. Their hearts? All pure gold. The middle one is your daddy – and oh how he loves you so already. The other two are you grandfathers – George Harrison Dodson, Jr. and George Anthony Lopatka (Tony). That's Pop Pop and G-Daddy to you missy. They would do anything for your daddy and I and I know they will do the same for you. Those two George’s will hang the moon in your eyes, just like they do mine.

your dad and your g-daddy way back when
Your G-Daddy helped shape your daddy into the daddy he will be to you – a kind daddy, a loving daddy and a daddy that takes time to teach you things you need to know. Your G-Daddy will reason with you and show how to make good choices. He’ll take you to get ice cream on a Sunday afternoon, probably at Sahara and he will read and play with you with patience like I’ve never seen.  I hear he even does puppet shows!

your mama and your pop pop way back when
Your Pop Pop is the reason your mama is the way she is today too. And let me tell you, I was (still am) a daddy’s girl. I have a feeling my apple won’t fall far from my tree either. Your Pop Pop will help you solve your problems even when they seem too big to solve. He’ll dance with you around the kitchen (don’t worry he’ll let you stand on his feet) and rock you until you fall asleep no matter how long it takes. He’ll bring you and all of your friends Chick-fil-A at lunch just so he can be involved. He will teach you how to throw a football with joy in his eyes, but lovingly sit through 4 of the same 3-hour dance recitals waiting with flowers.

Georgia – these are great men. Rare men. And every time I think about what they will teach you and show you my heart melts into a big ole’ puddle. So my sweet one you are named Georgia after these men – your G-Daddy and Pop Pop.
And your middle name, Grace – well sweet girl – the Lord has shown your mama so much grace – through pregnancy, through marriage and through my stubborn soul. He has shown me grace when I do not deserve it. When I try to take back “control” and do things “my way”, God always answers with grace. And this is something I hope to always do with you. I pray I will always show you grace and even more, that you will show me grace as well. I’m not perfect and this whole motherhood thing scares me. But with love, forgiveness and grace – sweet grace – I think we can figure it out.
I love you.
Love, mama
PS - You grandfathers and your daddy were all college athletes so you better believe you’ll have some tomboy in you. I just know you will be able to rock a backwards hat with the best of em, and sit through hours of college football in your Demon Deacon best… just like your mama :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

a pirate party

The other week one of my sweet (and wild) nephews turned 4.  He has only had family birthday parties up until this year so my sissy wanted to give him a “friend” party this year.  He chose a pirate party and it was amazing.  I showed up to find 15 three and four year olds running around in eye patches.  What more could one ask for in a birthday?  Not much I thought.  So here are some pictures of the party festivities.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday GI! Why I blog

Since I’ve started this here blog of mine, a exactly one year ago today, I’ve received so much feedback and so much support.  It’s been humbling and so gratifying.  Posts that I’ve written where I let myself be vulnerable were tough, but when I get an email saying that someone needed to read that because they, too, are experiencing something similar, it makes it all worth the while.  

But I’ve gotten some resistance too.  People close to me questioning why I would put something like that on my blog (this post particularly but other too).  Why would I want the whole world knowing my personal business.  And those questions are completely valid.  I am usually a very private person, so starting a blog where I share my heart and soul seems contradicting to many.  And maybe it is.  Or maybe I’ve changed.  Or maybe, just maybe, the world is changing and I’ve chosen these medium as a way to communicate and connect.  

Never have I used this blog to gain sympathy or attention – and I never will.  But I also believe in being real.  I believe that in life you get the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the easy and the hard and if I portrayed my life to be roses and fairytales every single day, well then where would my authenticity be?  And I think it’s important for those who question to know that – no.  I do not post all of my problems or bad days, or husband arguments, or lazy habits on here.  And I will not start doing that either.  I try to find a balance.  A balance between saying what is real and truthful at the risk of becoming vulnerable, but also sharing things that encourage others.  Because that is why I started this blog.  I started this blog as a safe place.  A safe place for me to write and share and hopefully encourage just one person in wherever they are in their walk of life.  I know a lot of people don’t understand or even agree with why I blog.  I know my sweet old-fashioned mama will never completely understand our generation’s fascination with the internet and all its modes of communication.  But that’s OK.  Just know that what I post on here is real and it’s my heart.  If you think I share too much or too little, sorry.  I share nothing that makes me or my husband feel uncomfortable.  I try to use discretion when posting about friends and family.  And if anything I do share on here encourages one person, then it’s all worth it to me.  

I truly believe that the Lord does not give you more than you can handle, and if someone is feeling buried by life and is able to read a little encouragement from me – then I’ve accomplished my blogging purpose.  So friends – on my blog’s first birthday – I want to say thank you.  Thank you for all of the support and comments and emails over the past year.  I have “met” some amazing women through this blog of mine and if I had it all to do it over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Friday, March 8, 2013

baby's closet

i am sorry for the quality!  but you get the picture...

So, in light of the news that I'm having myself a little baby girl, I did what any first-time mama would do - I started on her closet.  After breakfast yesterday, as Matt left to go back to work, he kissed me goodbye and said something to the effect of, "Have fun getting our baby girl her first outfit!"  Only, that's not exactly what I did.  I think my husband meant one outfit, which is probably why he left the 's' off.  But oh my, when I walked through the Target baby section how could I choose just one?!?  It simply was not possible.  After leaving Target I didn't dare go into Baby Gap or the Lilly Pulitzer store.  Another day.  Another day.  So, my friends, this is the start to a beautiful relationship.  A relationship between me and my baby's closet.  Please pray for Matt!
Happy Friday!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

hello tutus and high-heels

19 weeks

We’re having a baby girl!

I have to say I was completely shocked.  We've got four nephews right now (two on each side) and my husband comes from a family of three boys.  So I was convinced it was trucks and footballs for us.  But low-and-behold yesterday we discovered there is a sweet baby girl in my belly.  And we couldn't be more excited!  I'm not going to lie, I really didn't care either way.  I just wanted a healthy babe.  But something about a mini-me makes me smile :)

Don't worry - I took the day off to start on her wardrobe....

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Life Lately via my Iphone

Life lately according to my phone...
we had friends for dinner and i used my new chalkboard cutting board!
i celebrated mardi gras with this little one
i fell in love with my newest nephew.
me and my babe got gussied up for a fashion show.
sevilla had an afro.
i joined Anna and many others and took the Encourage Beauty challenge.  Go HERE for more info.
my sweet hubby sanded and painted my nephew's old crib.  now it's ready for our nursery and OUR baby :)
sevilla got a haircut.  and a bow.  we'll see how long the bow lasts...

Oh and what am I doing on this beautiful Wednesday might you ask?  Just spending the day with my hubby and finding out if my little babe is a boy or a girl!  Tune in tomorrow to find out...