
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

happy halloween

our little banana split
daphne and fred.  halloween 2010
 Happy Halloween sweet friends!  
Be safe and don't get a tummy ache:)

thing 1 and thing 2.  halloween 2009.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

dallas part III - pumpkin village

With Halloween being this week and all, I felt the need to devote an entire post to my favorite part of the Dallas Arboretum - The Pumpkin Village.  Meredith (bestie and tour guide) kept talking of this "pumpkin village" and the magic that would ensue if we found this place.  She told us of the village last year and just how neat it was.  Well, we had walked what we thought was the length of the arboretum when we decided it was time to head back - but not without one more look around for the pumpkin village.  Well girls (and boys - if there are any boy readers out there - welcome), we found the village.  It was awesome.  Pumpkins everywhere.  Little kidlets running around dressed for Halloween, while their parents bribed them to smile and sit still so they could snap that perfect shot.  They even had a "horse" and carriage set-up in the most Cinderella-esq way so you could capture a memory as if you were on your way to the ball.  We were totally headed to that carriage when we saw the line of 589 three year olds waiting for their chance at the ball too.  We passed on the photo op but still - Pumpkin Village was amazing.  Brace yourself for a lot of orange....

Monday, October 29, 2012


Last week I read this post from the lovely Sarah.  And I was jealous.  Super jealous.  Not of the water pictures or that cute little Lola (although they are all beautiful and adorable!) but of the part where she talked about rest.  I had just gotten back from Dallas and as I mentioned last week I have become a little traveler lately.  As I read her post sitting at work Monday morning I was exhausted.  And I couldn’t remember a time when I wasn’t.  That idea of rest and feeling rested was so far from me that I couldn’t glimpse even an idea of what that was like.  OK fine.  Maybe I’m being dramatic.  But when it comes to sleep, I’m usually always dramatic.  Since I was a little girl my mom has told me I was special when it comes to sleep and rest.  That I need more than most people.  And I believe she was on to something.  Most 5 year olds were up at the crack of dawn.  Not me.  I could (and still can) sleep til noon. 
eating ice cream with mom in bed.  per usual. 
But back to my sleep deprivation.  These times in my life happen a few times a year.  Times when I forget to schedule in sleep and rest and reality and just try to do it all.  Don’t get me wrong, I loved every minute of my adventures and am so grateful for all of my memories made.  But I was glad that the weekend ahead had no plans, because frankly I was tired.  And the weekend did not disappoint.  In fact, Hurricane Sandy made sure that no one around here was doing much of anything and that’s just how I like it.  The weather was rainy, windy and gloomy and Matt and I took full-advantage of such wonderful weather.  We ate, drank wine, slept and caught up on all of our favorite shows.  A perfect weekend in my book.  Lots of time.  Time well wasted.

Thursday, October 25, 2012



What makes you happy?  Is it laughing?  Running?  Late night cuddles with your sweet one?  Getting that coffee in a primo instead of a grande?  Whatever it is – do it.  Today.  Life is too short.  So don’t wait.  Make happiness happen.  I promise if you look around you’ll find lots to be thankful for, and that, in itself, should make you pretty darn happy J

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

dallas part II

if you're ever in dallas, go to the arboretum.  you must.  it's absolutely beautiful with flowers, wild life, fall decor and the breathtaking views of the lake.  saturday afternoon my best friends and i meandered our way through the stunning gardens and rested on the lawn for some music.  these pictures really say it all.  one of my most favorite memories ever.  enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

dallas part I

 so apparently i have become a little traveler here lately.  first i spent the weekend in baltimore with some sweet friends and my birthday hubby then i jetted to dallas with my best friends for a much needed girls weekend.  did i mention i hate flying?  i like to think that my travel buddies didn't notice my jumpiness or loud gasps.  i owe kristen a big hug for letting me cut off her circulation while taking off and landing.  none the less, i just got back from an amazing weekend in dallas.  we flew in thursday night and had some pj-time and wine-time.  both equally enjoyed.  and girl talk.  lots of girl talk and giddiness.  that's the thing about friends like these.  they're really more like sisters than friends.  you can be as weird, obnoxious, annoying and imperfect as possible and yet they still get giddy to see you.  that's love guys.  that's love.  after girl talk and vino we hit the hay so we could be refreshed and ready to go on friday.  after our walk to starbucks friday morning, meredith took us to a yummy lunch spot before we shopped around.  then friday night we got all gussied up, ate some to-die-for flatbreads, chowed down on some sinful chocolate treats and went out for a sweet champagne toast.  ahhh.  i will forever smile when i think about this past weekend.  and laugh.  because we are funny.  and here are some snaps from friday in d-town.

the girls

cheese and honey.  enough said.
cute bird cages above the bar